How do I report a potential bug in OpenJDK?

Bernd Eckenfels ecki at
Tue Apr 20 20:10:24 UTC 2021

It is nest to post the verbatim error message and maybe also the URL to reproduce. But if you notice a sudden change in behavior and the cert is not expired, then it’s likely a server-side change. Did you try to connect with browser and OpenSSl cli?

You can debug JSSE connections but the exception message should be a good start:

Is the ca in the truststores you are using?


Von: security-dev <security-dev-retn at> im Auftrag von Kain, Michael T <Michael.Kain at>
Gesendet: Dienstag, April 20, 2021 6:05 PM
An: security-dev at
Cc: Kain, Michael T
Betreff: How do I report a potential bug in OpenJDK?

We’ve been using OpenJDK in a product and since March 17, OpenJDK seems to be reporting a “Certificate Unknown” error on a previously working certificate.   Versions are,,,

Given that I’m a newbie – debug?  Diagnostics?  Changelog to look at possible patches which changed function?


Mike Kain | Distinguished Engineer and Security Architect, ClearPath MCP systems | ClearPath Forward
Unisys | (610)727-5442 | Michael.Kain at<mailto:Michael.Kain at>
801 Lakeview Drive, Suite 100, Mailstop 2818, Blue Bell, PA 19422
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