Keytool does not agree with RFC 8410

Anders Rundgren at
Mon Feb 1 16:23:27 UTC 2021

On 2021-02-01 16:01, Wei-Jun Wang wrote:
>> On Feb 1, 2021, at 2:32 AM, Anders Rundgren < at> wrote:
>> On 2021-01-31 20:00, Wei-Jun Wang wrote:
>>> filed.
>> Thanx!
>> In the bug report you also write:
>>     We'll also need a way to generate this kind of certificate (or certreq).
>>     There is no signature algorithm on XDH and we need to use EdDSA instead.
>>     See*section-10.2__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!NmY7j2ZVt-VJoTtZkQFA8tbhvHgLZazChGpwWEbycxxjAHm6aDkm8clW3eJ2H14Ugw$ .
>> AFAIK there is no standard for CSRs for encryption keys.  You need to use a signature key that sort of vouches for the enclosed public key.  This key may use any valid signature algorithm.
> says:
>          1. A CertificationRequestInfo value containing a subject
>             distinguished name, a subject public key, and optionally a
>             set of attributes is constructed by an entity requesting
>             certification.
>          2. The CertificationRequestInfo value is signed with the subject
>             entity's private key.  (See Section 4.2.)
> It hasn’t said the “public key” and “private key” above should be a pair, though.

I believe this is sort of "implicit" because otherwise there would be a need to indicate which key that was used in order to verify the signature.

CMC was probably designed to cope with this restriction.

>> As a side note, my own applications use a key container attestation key for *all* CSRs which is a more useful method than self-signed CSRs.
> Interesting. Is there any document describing this feature?

WebAuthn appears to use this method although they only register public keys:

My particular take on this is a bit more elaborate because the attestation is rather creating a session and shared key which permits secure multi-step key (store) management operations:


> Thanks,
> Max
>> Regards,
>> Anders
>>> Thanks,
>>> Max
>>>> On Jan 31, 2021, at 2:12 AM, Anders Rundgren < at> wrote:
>>>> Since the JDK bug report tool does not include "keytool" I posted this here.
>>>> Keytool for JDK 15 reports "Subject Public Key Algorithm: XDH key of unknown size" for a certificate  containing the following public key:
>>>> 148:     SEQUENCE {
>>>>   150:       SEQUENCE {
>>>>   152:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER X25519 (
>>>>              }
>>>>   157:       BIT STRING, 32 bytes
>>>>        0000: a3 5e 94 ef bd d0 41 86 90 07 87 9e 80 d0 a5 76 '.^....A........v'
>>>>        0010: 0e a1 ba 82 19 2e c3 90 21 89 05 5a f6 d9 e6 50 '........!..Z...P'
>>>>            }
>>>> which seems to be aligned with:*section-10.2__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!NmY7j2ZVt-VJoTtZkQFA8tbhvHgLZazChGpwWEbycxxjAHm6aDkm8clW3eJ2H14Ugw$
>>>> You can verify this issue by importing the certificate in the RFC.
>>>> Anders

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