JSSE reference guide issue

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Fri Feb 5 14:40:03 UTC 2021

Another option for reporting is to use the https://bugreport.java.com 
portal. Component = documentation.


On 05/02/2021 14:03, Sean Mullan wrote:
> If you have a JBS account, you can file a bug in the docs/guides 
> category.
> However, I have also forwarded your email to our internal docs 
> engineer, so we will follow-up on it.
> Thanks,
> Sean
> On 2/5/21 2:42 AM, Daniel Jeliński wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What's the right spot to report documentation issues?
>> I've been reading the JSSE reference guide and noticed that in section
>> "Resuming Session Without Server-Side State"
>> (https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/security/java-secure-socket-extension-jsse-reference-guide.html#GUID-64D7EAF6-D2EE-4719-8616-25E2829CF810) 
>> it says "This feature is not enabled by default", which appears to be
>> a leftover from Java 13.
>> Also the note about TLS 1.3 in the same section isn't entirely clear
>> to me. What does it mean when the docs say "the contents of stateless
>> tickets, in particular, the contents of a NewSessionTicket message,
>> depend on the value of jdk.tls.server.enableSessionTicketExtension"?
>> How exactly does the contents change and why should I care?
>> Regards,
>> Daniel

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