RFR: 8258588: MD5 MessageDigest in java.util.UUID should be cached

Claes Redestad redestad at openjdk.java.net
Wed Feb 10 14:47:39 UTC 2021

On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 14:08:22 GMT, PROgrm_JARvis <github.com+7693005+JarvisCraft at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Hi Claes,
>>> Would flattening the state of MD5 bring any further improvements?
>>> [plevart at 92bf48f](https://github.com/plevart/jdk/commit/92bf48ff58f0ce9648e49466dbf1befebbf49083)
>> I think it might, marginally, but it seemed to me that the implCompress0 MD5 intrinsic is using `state` so I've not tried that yet since rewriting and checking the intrinsic code is a lot of work. (I've blogged about my experiments in this area and mentioned this issue in passing: https://cl4es.github.io/2021/01/04/Investigating-MD5-Overheads.html#accidental-constraints)
>> @JarvisCraft This pull request has been inactive for more than 4 weeks and will be automatically closed if another 4 weeks passes without any activity. To avoid this, simply add a new comment to the pull request. Feel free to ask for assistance if you need help with progressing this pull request towards integration!

FWIW, I ended up doing two related improvements:

- #1855 - which reduced overheads of constructing MD5, SHA1, SHA2, SHA5 `MessageDigest` objects, and slightly improving digest performance
- #1933 - reducing cost of `MessageDigest.getInstance` in general by better internal caching of `Constructor` objects, among other things. With this there's now no extra allocations when looking up something that has been looked up before.

Together these enhancements bring the overheads of `UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes` down close to what you can get from cloning from a `ThreadLocal` `MD5` object as suggested here. Taking the ambient overheads of `ThreadLocal`s into account I'd say it's not worth adding this cache, and would suggest withdrawing this PR and closing the RFE.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1821

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