JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Tue Jun 1 16:32:34 UTC 2021

On 6/1/21 2:11 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> Would have really liked to have known about that.

It was announced on jdk-dev at the time it was launched, with a 
follow-up reminder one week later:


> Any chance Java 17 LTS (hopefully with sorted security manager
> property), can be supported as long as Java 8, 16 years?
> The new security API's don't exist yet, I'd prefer to work with a
> version that has a fully functional SecurityManager rather than one
> that's non functional, because it's the functionality that's important
> to us.
> It's going to take a long time to migrate, once the new API's exist,
> they need to receive acceptance, then we also need to rewrite our
> software to suit, assuming it takes 4 years to write and implement the
> new security api, there's not much time left then before 17's EOL if it
> only has 8 years of support.
> I figure there's no harm in asking.
> Regards,
> Peter.
> On 1/06/2021 3:51 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 01/06/2021 01:11, Chapman Flack wrote:
>>> On 05/31/21 03:59, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>>> The SM survey in 2018 showed that there was some usage too.
>>> Out of curiosity, where can I learn more about this survey?
>>> Was it the kind of survey that, if I had been hanging around in the
>>> right
>>> places in 2018, I might have been solicited to respond to?
>> The survey that has been referenced a few times here was in Feb 2018
>> [1]. Sean linked to the results at the time [2] but the link no longer
>> works. The main goal was to gather data on usages beyond applets and
>> JNLP.
>> -Alan
>> [1]
>> [2]

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