JEP 411: Documentation on the new way to establish TLS connections

Peter Firmstone peter.firmstone at
Fri Jun 4 04:53:20 UTC 2021

Don't bother replying.

I found that it is actually on the TODO list.

I've had enough now anyway, there is no fixing this mess.


On 4/06/2021 2:22 pm, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> Could someone please advise the recommended way now to preserve the 
> Subject in Executors to establish a TLS connection?
> I am unable to find the documentation.
> We use Executors and we preserve the calling Subject across them, to 
> use for authentication our TLS endpoints.
> This is now deprecated in Java 17, because it uses AccessController 
> and AccessControlContext  methods.
> I would like to do this in a way that's not deprecated?
> Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions?
> Ron mentioned on Reddit this morning that there are no new API's being 
> developed.
> Is the assumption that the JDK will be a single user process, so the 
> subject just needs to be stored in a Static variable and accessed from 
> there instead?
> Just wondering what the use case scenario is?
> This really sux for us, because we authenticate TLS connections, then 
> we run the users with their calling Subjects.
> Thank you.
> <>
> <>
> I'm kinda getting the feeling that I'm no longer welcome here.
> I recognize that I'm pushing back, and people don't like that, however 
> I'm doing so because I am impacted by the recent decision, I can 
> assure you I have no personal grudges against anyone.
> I'm not looking for assurances that that isn't the case, I just want 
> some guidance, I think our whole code base and how we use Java, just 
> bit the dust.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Peter.

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