blizzard of deprecation warnings related to JEP 411

Rick Hillegas rick.hillegas at
Wed Jun 16 15:00:09 UTC 2021

Thanks, Peter. Derby supports a couple authorization mechanisms, the 
most important one being the role-based SQL Standard GRANT/REVOKE 
commands (see 
I'm afraid that my old eyes didn't see a link to your authorization 
libraries in your message.

On 6/15/21 5:23 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> Rick,
> Out of curiosity, does Apache Derby have a need for an Authorization 
> layer?
> We have tooling to generate our policy files, which simplifies the 
> process a lot, we also have highly scalable and performant 
> SecurityManager and Policy implementations which are compatible with 
> standard Java policy files.
> This is available under an AL2.0 license.
> I'm hoping that OpenJDK will create some hooks for permission checks, 
> so that we can continue to provide an authorization layer for Java, 
> following JEP 411.
> I'll be using StackWalker to reproduce AccessController's stack 
> walk.   We also have existing classes which wrap AccessControlContext, 
> so we would use ThreadLocal's to preserve subject.

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