Initial feedback from Apache Ant users on recent security manager warning messages

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at
Wed Jun 30 04:51:41 UTC 2021

Hello Max,

On 30/06/21 2:42 am, Wei-Jun Wang wrote:
>> On Jun 29, 2021, at 3:08 AM, Jaikiran Pai <jai.forums2013 at> wrote:
>> On 29/06/21 12:34 pm, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>>> Out of all these 4 points, I think if point number 2 can be addressed such that it just prints only once the warning for each caller class, then the issue noted by users of Ant build file will be drastically reduced. I haven't yet tried or proved it, but I think we will end up with just one log message in their STDERR for the entire build for a majority of the cases. I will experiment with that this week to see if that's true.
>>> FWIW - I implemented a very primitive cache in the System class to log this message just once and see if it helps for the general/regular usecase that I used as an example.
>> To be clear, just once for each caller class.
> In your case, is the class always the same object? I was thinking about if I should use a String or a Class<?> as the map key. Is it possible for the same class to be loaded again and again?

In the case we are dealing with, the class is always 
"". It will always be loaded by 
one single classloader (so classloaded just once). However, multiple 
different instances of this class will get created during the lifetime 
of the build and each such instance of can/will invoke this 
setSecurityManager method.

One additional detail - this is 
_not_ final, which means it can potentially have sub-classes. In the 
context of Ant, the fact that this class is not final shouldn't really 
have any implication in how the caching in java.lang.System gets 
implemented. I only bring this up here because maybe it has to be taken 
into account for the general cases? I haven't yet checked how the 
Reflection.getCallerClass() is implemented in the JDK and whether this 
caching logic that's being introduced needs to take into account 
sub-classes while deciding whether or not to issue a warning.


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