Java ignores/errors canonicalized principals (NT-PRINCIPAL) from Active Directory

Osipov, Michael (LDA IT PLM) michael.osipov at
Fri Oct 22 07:48:06 UTC 2021

Am 2021-10-21 um 21:38 schrieb Wei-Jun Wang:
>   KrbKdcReq throws the exception on line 55, so it is the previous check
>          if (isAsReq && !req.reqBody.cname.equals(rep.cname) &&
>                  ((!req.reqBody.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.CANONICALIZE) &&
>                  req.reqBody.cname.getNameType() !=
>                  PrincipalName.KRB_NT_ENTERPRISE) ||
>                   !rep.encKDCRepPart.flags.get(Krb5.TKT_OPTS_ENC_PA_REP))) {
>              rep.encKDCRepPart.key.destroy();
>>>>          throw new KrbApErrException(Krb5.KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED);
>          }
> So maybe it's the cname was changed, but I'm not sure about the flags.
> Can you send me some packets? Hopefully with a key tab or password so I can look into rep.encKDCRepPart.

I misread the block, of course it is this one. the crealm is changing an 
I am not providing an enterprise principal.

Sent you the pcap file. If this isn't enough, will prepare with a keytab.


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