A possible JEP to replace SecurityManager after JEP 411

Peter Firmstone peter.firmstone at zeus.net.au
Fri Apr 8 10:19:10 UTC 2022

Thanks for trying David. :)



On 8/04/2022 7:15 pm, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> I'm 100% in agreement with Sean. This proposal leaves the OpenJDK team 
> with just as much -- or possibly more -- code to maintain, test and 
> design around while making the behaviour under the retained API less 
> determinate, less reliable as a security enforcement mechanism and, in 
> consequence, even less likely to be used than it is already.
> regards,
> Andrew Dinn
> -----------
> Red Hat Distinguished Engineer
> Red Hat UK Ltd
> Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
> Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill
> On 07/04/2022 20:19, Sean Mullan wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Thanks for the feedback and spending some time on this proposal. Some 
>> specific comments below.
>> On 4/5/22 9:52 AM, David Lloyd wrote:
>>> Here at Red Hat there have been serious discussions about the impacts
>>> of security manager removal on our users, and whether there is an
>>> actual value impact, and if so, whether it can be mitigated or
>>> reversed somehow. We are interested in exploring whether we can come
>>> up with a way in which vendors and projects that wish to continue
>>> using SecurityManager (or something like it) would be able to do so,
>>> while still removing the majority of the ongoing maintenance burden
>>> from the OpenJDK project.
>>> Before we make a decision on whether or not we think there is
>>> sufficient justification for working up a formal JEP, we have decided
>>> that the best first step would be to socialize the idea in a more
>>> general form so that we can know whether the upstream OpenJDK team
>>> would even be amenable *at all* to the solution (or something like
>>> it), particularly in light of the observation that previous threads
>>> about retaining SecurityManager in any form have been looked upon in a
>>> fairly negative light.
>>> The primary idea behind this proposal is that, while all of the points
>>> in JEP 411 relating to the lack of what most experts might refer to as
>>> "actual security" are certainly true, the SecurityManager mechanism
>>> itself does nevertheless have some inherent value. The challenge,
>>> then, is to strike a balance between the value provided by retaining
>>> some semblance of the mechanism versus the costs inherent in retaining
>>> it; we would want as much of the former as possible, for as little of
>>> the latter as possible.
>> With this proposal, as I understand it, the JDK would still be 
>> responsible for maintaining and preserving essentially all of the 
>> existing calls to the Security Manager (SM). All new code and APIs 
>> would still need to be evaluated and determined if permission checks 
>> were needed as well as making appropriate specification changes to 
>> note the behavior when an SM is enabled (throwing a 
>> SecurityException, etc). Any missing checks would need to be treated 
>> as security issues. And we would still need to test the code and APIs 
>> to ensure that it worked properly and complied with the API 
>> specification. This would likely mean implementing and maintaining an 
>> internal SM implementation in OpenJDK.
>> The proposal also includes retaining calls to doPrivileged (but later 
>> potentially replacing them with some other mechanism TBD). The JDK 
>> source code includes over 1000 calls to doPrivileged. Each of these 
>> need to be carefully reviewed to ensure that they do not contain 
>> security issues and any new code needs to be evaluated to see if new 
>> calls to doPrivileged are necessary.
>> Retaining doPrivileged (or something similar) means that there can be 
>> domains of code with different permissions running within the VM, 
>> which retains much of the complexity of the current SM model.
>> In this proposal, how privileges are established or propagated is 
>> implementation-specific. But how could applications or libraries 
>> depend on the APIs and still have some confidence that the code is 
>> behaving consistently and securely?
>> Today, the cost of buying into the SM model is high for libraries and 
>> applications. Not many third party libraries support the SM and have 
>> modified their code to perform permission checks and call 
>> doPrivileged in the right places. If there were pluggable SMs each 
>> behaving differently, there would likely be less incentive.
>> Although it sounds beneficial to be able to delegate the SM 
>> implementation to a 3rd-party, in reality, I think very few people would
>> take the time to implement it securely, and instead would mostly
>> leverage its power to do things that aren't at all security related. 
>> Sure, removing the default SM and Policy implementation reduces the 
>> complexity a little, but there would still be a fairly significant 
>> maintenance overhead and an additional drawback that it would make it 
>> more difficult for applications and libraries to depend on any type 
>> of consistent behavior.
>> --Sean
>>> So, here's the idea. It is assumed (for the sake of common
>>> understanding) that as things stand, all of the classes and members
>>> marked as "deprecated for removal" as a part of JEP 411 are intended
>>> to be completely removed without replacement at the end of the term of
>>> deprecation.  The proposals here are based on this assumption.
>>> The center of this proposal is that, at the end of the term of
>>> deprecation, all of the deprecated classes, members, and behavior are
>>> still removed (including, and especially, AccessController and Policy
>>> and related classes) /except/ as mentioned here:
>>>   * Rather than completely removing SecurityManager,
>>>       * The SecurityManager class becomes abstract and non-deprecated,
>>> with all of its methods being removed, except as follows
>>>       * SecurityManager.getSecurityContext() becomes abstract (this is
>>> the one that returns Object, *not* the stack walking one)
>>>       * SecurityManager.checkPermission() (both of them) become 
>>> abstract
>>>   * Rather than removing the SecurityManager-related methods from 
>>> System,
>>>       * System.getSecurityManager() is retained and de-deprecated
>>>       * [Optional] System.setSecurityManager() is retained and
>>> de-deprecated (we would want to explore whether it is feasible to
>>> replace this (and the system property lookup mechanism) using
>>> ServiceLoader, if bootstrap allows it)
>>>   * [Optional] Rather than /immediately/ removing all of 
>>> AccessController,
>>>       * Retain its deprecation-for-removal status
>>>       * Retain only doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction) and
>>> doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction) as simple pass-throughs (no
>>> JVM semantics other than being present on the call stack like any
>>> method) since they are pervasively used, to allow frameworks time to
>>> transition to (for example) a third-party alternative.
>>> The burden of permission verification would lie completely with the
>>> security manager implementation.  The JDK would not have a
>>> 'SecurityManager' implementation of any kind, outside of the internal
>>> test suite.
>>> The other part of this proposal can come in one of two possible 
>>> flavors.
>>> ### Option 1: Authorization interfaces
>>> Each point in the JDK where there presently is a permission check is
>>> classified into an authorization category of related operations. An
>>> interface is introduced for each category which contains the methods
>>> encapsulating the relevant check, in a package that is deemed most
>>> appropriate for that particular grouping.  For example, there might be
>>> a 'SocketAuthorization' interface in the 'java.net' package, with
>>> methods like 'checkConnect(SocketAddress from, SocketAddress to)' and
>>> 'checkAccept(SocketAddress addr)'.
>>> At the point where a permission check previously would take place, a
>>> check like this is performed instead:
>>>      if (System.getSecurityManager() instanceof SocketAuthorization 
>>> sa) {
>>>          sa.checkAccept(addr);
>>>      }
>>> Any public or protected method with such a check should include
>>> @throws Javadoc explaining that a SecurityException may be thrown.
>>> The Permission subclasses previously used specifically by these
>>> operation sites *may* in this case be deprecated for removal
>>> immediately or at some point in the future, if desired.
>>> It is the sole responsibility of the SecurityManager implementer to
>>> implement the various necessary interfaces, and any third-party
>>> authorization interfaces that would also be relevant.
>>> ### Option 2: Retain permission system
>>> Under this option, the existing authorization checks are mostly
>>> retained, however, since the SecurityManager class only has a general
>>> 'checkPermission()' method, the logic previously found in the
>>> 'SecurityManager' class which expands specific check calls into
>>> general 'checkPermission()' calls (for example, calls to
>>> 'checkConnect' for sockets) would necessarily become the
>>> responsibility of the site of the permission check.  Some work would
>>> be undertaken
>>> to refactor this code accordingly.
>>> With this solution, the corresponding Permission subclasses would be
>>> retained indefinitely.
>>> In either case it is the responsibility of the implementer of
>>> SecurityManager to utilize these checks appropriately for
>>> authorization decisions, based on whatever factors are deemed
>>> appropriate, which may include contextual information such as a
>>> currently-authenticated identity or the call stack, or (for example) a
>>> context object utilizing the ScopeLocal mechanism.
>>> ### Other changes
>>> It would be worth exploring whether the SecurityManager installation
>>> could be refitted to use the ServiceLoader mechanism (for example at
>>> first call to getSecurityManager()) based on the class loader of the
>>> application class or module path.  This would allow the
>>> 'System.setSecurityManager' method, and support for the corresponding
>>> system property, to be removed at the end of the term of deprecation.
>>> Testing
>>> Neither solution would ease the burden of testing from the JDK quite
>>> as much as complete removal, of course. The necessary testing for the
>>> individual checks should be limited to ensuring that the permission
>>> check calls are happening with correct arguments and that any thrown
>>> SecurityException is propagated.  The policy for testing
>>> SecurityManager installation would depend on whether, and to what
>>> extent, the more recent changes restricting the installation of the
>>> security manager are reversed.  Other testing issues may arise as
>>> well.

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