Java Cryptographic Extension Survey

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at
Mon Apr 25 15:22:03 UTC 2022

Reminder this survey ends Friday.  Please fill it out if you have not.


On 4/12/22 8:10 AM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
> Hello,
> Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) has been in Java SE for a long time 
> and has made incremental changes over the years.  Looking forward, we 
> would like to know more about how projects are using JCE and what 
> changes, features, and API enhancements would be helpful for your projects.
> Below is a survey that we hope you can spend 5 minutes to fill out.  If 
> you have written or maintain code that uses the JCE API, then we would 
> appreciate if you would complete this survey:
> The survey will be open through April 29.
> Thank you,
> Anthony Scarpino
> OpenJDK Security Group

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