Post handshake client verification with TLSv1.3

Brad Wood bdw429s at
Wed Aug 10 13:49:32 UTC 2022

Honestly, what does HTTP/2 have to do with the ticket in question?  TLS 1.3
supports a post-handshake method of requesting client certs
without renegotiating the entire SSL handshake.  Java needs to support

>From my research, any other web server such as Nginx simply requires that
HTTP/1 be used when this feature is needed.  I suggest we do the same.  If
you are concerned about the future of HTP/2, I would direct you to some
proposed updates to the HTTP/2 which will accommodate post handshake client
cert requests:
In the mean time, I have no issues using HTTP/1 for the specific apps that
require this.



*Developer Advocate*
*Ortus Solutions, Corp *

E-mail: brad at
ColdBox Platform:

On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 9:05 PM Xuelei Fan <xuelei.f at> wrote:

> If we have a look from the viewpoint of HTTP/2, how applications could
> meet the requirements in HTTP/2?  Did you have a plan to have the
> application works with HTTP/2 in the future?
> Xuelei
> On Aug 9, 2022, at 12:29 PM, Brad Wood <bdw429s at> wrote:
> I have some questions about this ticket
> which was closed as "won't fix".  I fully realize that TLS 1.3 forbids SSL
> renegotiation after the handshake in the traditional manner, but I'm
> curious if the process defined here can be used instead:
> I'm new to this, but it appears to be describing how to accomplish
> post-handshake client verification which works on TLS 1.3.
> There's not a lot of information online, but this ticket appears to be
> Python adding support for this:
> Can we discuss reopening the openjdk ticket if this is actually possible?
> The use case for this is a rather common requirement-- to have an SSL site
> which doesn't prompt the user for a client cert until they visit a secured
> area, and then the client cert request is sent, prompting the user at that
> point.
> Currently, I have to disable both HTTP/2 and TLS 1.3 in order for this to
> work.  I don't mind sticking to HTTP/1. but I have concerns about disabling
> TLSv1.3 and what that means for the future security of my apps.
> Thanks!
> ~Brad
> *Developer Advocate*
> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
> E-mail: brad at
> ColdBox Platform:
> Blog:
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