SSLExtension: Bug/typo in unsupported extension

Ben Smyth subscriptions at
Mon Jun 20 12:48:11 UTC 2022

We have

    // extensions defined in RFC 7250
    CLIENT_CERT_TYPE        (0x0013, "padding"),
    SERVER_CERT_TYPE        (0x0014, "server_certificate_type"),

    // extensions defined in RFC 7685
    PADDING                 (0x0015, "client_certificate_type"),

We should have

    // extensions defined in RFC 7250
    CLIENT_CERT_TYPE        (0x0013, "client_certificate_type"),
    SERVER_CERT_TYPE        (0x0014, "server_certificate_type"),

    // extensions defined in RFC 7685
    PADDING                 (0x0015, "padding"),
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