Interesting in DTLS 1.3

xueleifan(XueleiFan) xueleifan at
Mon May 2 15:12:14 UTC 2022


The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version 1.3 (DTLS 1.3) has been published on April 2022<>. The specification describes the most current version of the DTLS protocol as a delta from TLS 1.3 and obsoletes DTLS 1.2.

In JDK, the Java specifications for DTLS 1.0 and DTLS 1.2 are defined<> and implemented<>. For DTLS 1.3, there may be three different choices for JDK.

The 1st one is doing nothing, and JDK will not support DTLS 1.3 in the future.

The 2nd one is define the specification in JDK, but without the implementation.  Third party’s provider could have the implementation if this feature is required in some circumstances.

The 3rd one, as DTLS 1.0 and DTLS 1.2, is to have an implementation in JDK.

Are you using DTLS protocols in your applications?  Is anyone interested in have DTLS 1.3 in JDK? Which option is best for you?

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