Status: JDK-8191136 Remove deprecated{Certificate, Identity, IdentityScope, Signer} APIs

Eirik Bjørsnøs eirbjo at
Mon Apr 10 19:46:54 UTC 2023

> The issue with is/was the usage in Java EE, more
> specifically the EJB spec and the concern that there are app servers
> that want to support Java EE releases and run on newer JDK releases at
> the same time. So this one has been stuck for a long time.

Jakarta EE 9 was updated to remove EJBContext methods which depended on

Is the remaining concern about Java EE 8 implementations running Java 21
and newer? The Java 17 LTS seems to be supported until 2029?

Are our hands tied or would it be possible to move forward on this?

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