There is unnecessary resource consumption in `SecureRandom.getInstance()`.

구태진 koo.taejin at
Sat Apr 29 05:29:05 UTC 2023

I understood what you said.
And thank you for forwarding this mail to security-dev.
If it is decided to fix this issue and this issue is not as much work as I
If you give me the opportunity to change the code via PR, it will be a
great honor for a lifetime as a Java developer.

Thanks :)

2023년 4월 29일 (토) 오전 2:04, Sean Mullan <sean.mullan at>님이 작성:

> [This should be discussed on the security alias so I am copying
> security-dev and -bcc-ing core-libs-dev]
> As Bernd noted, use of SHA1PRNG should ideally be replaced with a
> stronger secure random algorithm, so the impact of this issue is
> probably not that significant. That said, I think this is still worthy
> of fixing.
> On 4/28/23 7:40 AM, Bernd wrote:
> > There are two solutions I think.
> >
> > 1. Create a constructor for SecureRandom.
> #1 seems easy enough. We can add a SecureRandom(SecureRandomParameters)
> to (The ctor can ignore the
> parameter and just call SecureRandom()).
> I can file an issue on your behalf.
> > 2. Compare using getConstructors instead of getConstrctor.
> --Sean
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