RFD: Services lockdown for security providers
Sean Mullan
sean.mullan at oracle.com
Thu Jul 13 17:01:22 UTC 2023
On 7/13/23 12:27 PM, Martin Balao wrote:
> On 7/13/23 12:06, Sean Mullan wrote:
>> One other comment that I thought of - is that from a practical
>> standpoint, I think it will be hard to unilaterally disable an algorithm
>> at the JCE layer unless it is so broken that almost no code ever uses
>> it, say MD2 or RC2. There may be cases where a weak algorithm is
>> acceptable, for example using MD5 for a checksum. (For a real example,
>> UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes uses MD5 to generate a UUID).
>> If you have a single case in your application where a weak algorithm is
>> ok to use, you won't be able to disable it across the board.
> Yes, I agree with this observation. In fact, our original motivation was
> not to disable an algorithm across the board but a specific
> implementation of it —i.e. blocking the implementation from provider X,
> because we want the one from provider Y or prefer the algorithm not to
> be available. What we also have in mind is using this enhancement in
> combination with security profiles that can enforce policies of allowed
> algorithms, at the risk of requiring changes in an application to be
> compliant.
>> At the risk of complicating your syntax and implementation, it may be
>> worth exploring adding the name of a class to the syntax for cases like
>> this. But my comment is more about thinking about this a bit more first.
>> Or perhaps adding some extensibility into the format would be a good
>> idea in case we want to add something like this down the line.
> I have a couple of questions regarding this idea:
> 1) Isn't the class name an implementation detail? My concern is not much
> on how to extend the syntax but on binding the filter value to internal
> names.
It is an application-specific detail. I would expect this to be applied
by applications that are most familiar with their usage, and not as part
of a global configuration.
> 2) Why wouldn't a combination of Security Provider + Service Type +
> Algorithm be enough to identify a specific implementation?
Because that doesn't tell you who is calling the specific
provider/service and whether that use case is acceptable or not. Also
most code that calls JCE APIs doesn't specify a specific provider.
Again, I think this needs more thought, and I am not suggesting this is
the best course of action, but one thought is a syntax something like this:
But, that would probably mean extending the implementation to do a stack
walk to check if the specified class was one of the callers, which I am
very wary about doing something like this. But the overall issue still
remains for me. Maybe we should not be providing a way to unilaterally
disable algorithms unless it can be used more effectively in practice.
Otherwise I don't like the idea of telling a user they have to re-enable
the algorithm even if they only have a single case where it is acceptable.
> Thanks,
> Martin.-
>> --Sean
>> On 7/13/23 11:44 AM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> Thanks for your feedback.
>>> Just to give some visibility, we have implemented most of the
>>> functionality and are now working on final adjustments, more tests
>>> coverage, documentation and internal reviews. The implementation is
>>> pretty much aligned to what we previously discussed, with the exception
>>> of algorithm's alias that turned up to have more complexity than
>>> anticipated —particularly in the legacy mode of registering Services—.
>>> We will send a PR for public discussion in the coming weeks.
>>> Martin.-
>>> On 6/14/23 12:40, Sean Mullan wrote:
>>>> This proposal looks pretty good, although I think I would like to see
>>>> more examples and a prototype if you have it.
>>>> I think this would work well in conjunction with Sean Coffey's
>>>> enhancement to add a security category to the java -XshowSettings option
>>>> [1]. This would help debug issues with the syntax. The provider
>>>> suboption could be enhanced (perhaps by default, perhaps with an
>>>> additional suboption) to show the services that are disabled, ex, with
>>>> the property set to
>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!*.MessageDigest.MD5;
>>>> !*.MessageDigest.MD2; *:
>>>> it would show something like:
>>>> Provider name: SUN
>>>> Provider information: ...
>>>> Provider services: (type : algorithm)
>>>> ...
>>>> MessageDigest : MD2 (disabled)
>>>> MessageDigest : MD5 (disabled)
>>>> ...
>>>> I would even add that as a debugging tip in the documenting of the
>>>> syntax.
>>>> --Sean
>>>> [1] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/14394
>>>> On 5/24/23 5:03 PM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thanks Anthony for your feedback.
>>>>> We've been exploring the syntax and semantics for this new property
>>>>> further, with the goal of making it more consistent and simple while
>>>>> retaining expressiveness power. We understand the importance of clarity
>>>>> to minimize the risk of security providers, service types or algorithms
>>>>> being unexpectedly enabled.
>>>>> In this new iteration of the proposal, we explore a filter that has
>>>>> similarities to the serialization filter (jdk.serialFilter). We think
>>>>> that it could be beneficial to leverage on a specification to which the
>>>>> user is familiar already.
>>>>> General structure
>>>>> ====================
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=pattern-1; pattern-2; ...; pattern-n
>>>>> The property jdk.security.providers.filter is an overrideable Security
>>>>> property. Thus, a System property with the same name exists and, when
>>>>> specified, overrides any value in its Security counterpart. When not
>>>>> specified (value is null), filtering capabilities are completely
>>>>> disabled: all installed security providers, service types and
>>>>> algorithms
>>>>> are allowed. If any of these properties are set during run time, the
>>>>> filter could be initialized already and the new value may not take
>>>>> effect.
>>>>> When filtering capabilities are enabled, each service is checked
>>>>> against
>>>>> the filter before registration. Notice that this affects both the
>>>>> initial list of security providers as well as those dynamically
>>>>> installed during run time. Once a service is registered, instances
>>>>> of it
>>>>> can be obtained and used without any other checks that could affect
>>>>> performance.
>>>>> The registration of a service involves a combination of a security
>>>>> provider, service type and algorithm. Each combination is evaluated
>>>>> against the filter patterns, from left to right. When a pattern matches
>>>>> —or, in other words, the rule concerns the service to be registered—, a
>>>>> decision is made: the service will be allowed or denied. When a
>>>>> decision
>>>>> is made, remaining patterns are not checked for the service under
>>>>> consideration. When all patterns are checked and a decision is not
>>>>> made,
>>>>> the default behavior is to deny the service registration.
>>>>> Contrary to the serialization filter, white spaces between patterns do
>>>>> not have any significance.
>>>>> Pattern matching
>>>>> =====================================================
>>>>> pattern := ! security-provider.service-type.algorithm
>>>>> pattern := security-provider.service-type.algorithm
>>>>> A canonical pattern consists of 3 hierarchical levels separated by ".".
>>>>> From left to right in lexicographic order, these levels denote a
>>>>> security provider, a service type and an algorithm. If a pattern starts
>>>>> with "!", the decision made upon matching is to deny the service
>>>>> registration. Otherwise, the service registration is allowed. White
>>>>> spaces between "!" and the rest of the pattern do not have any
>>>>> significance.
>>>>> For a match to be successful, the security provider name, the service
>>>>> type and the algorithm have to match the pattern exactly (case
>>>>> insensitive). If the service type of a security provider interprets the
>>>>> algorithm as a transformation composed of different parts, the full
>>>>> transformation has to be specified in the pattern: the filter takes a
>>>>> conservative approach and does not make any assumptions of what an
>>>>> algorithm name means. For example, "AES" as the algorithm of a
>>>>> canonical
>>>>> filter pattern will not match an "AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding" transformation.
>>>>> If an algorithm alias is specified in the filter pattern, a service
>>>>> registering the alias will be matched.
>>>>> For convenience, it's possible to specify patterns in non-canonical
>>>>> forms:
>>>>> 1) At any level, the security provider, the service type or the
>>>>> algorithm name can contain wildcards ("*") to represent zero or more
>>>>> repetitions of any character;
>>>>> 2) The .algorithm part can be omitted to imply all algorithms under the
>>>>> security provider and service type;
>>>>> 3) The .service-type.algorithm part can be omitted to imply all service
>>>>> types and algorithms under the security provider; and,
>>>>> 4) The non-canonical form #1 can be combined with either #2 or #3.
>>>>> Security provider, service type and algorithm names escaping
>>>>> =================================================================
>>>>> If the security provider, service type or algorithm name contains
>>>>> any of
>>>>> the characters "\", ".", ";" or "*", they have to be escaped by
>>>>> prepending the character "\". If the character "\" is found not
>>>>> escaping
>>>>> a character, it's silently discarded.
>>>>> White spaces are discarded at the beginning and end of names.
>>>>> It's worth mentioning that the described escaping rules apply to the
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter property value as read in
>>>>> java.lang.System::getProperty or java.security.Security::getProperty.
>>>>> Additional escaping might be needed depending on how the property is
>>>>> passed. For example, Security properties require "\" characters to be
>>>>> escaped. Thus, to match a provider name whose name is "\.", a filter
>>>>> would require the "jdk.security.providers.filter=\\\\\\." entry in the
>>>>> java.security file. See more about this in java.util.Properties::load
>>>>> [1].
>>>>> Examples (correct)
>>>>> ====================
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable all security providers, service types and algorithms:
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=
>>>>> or
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=*
>>>>> or
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=*.*
>>>>> or
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=*.*.*
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable everything except for the MD5 algorithm in MessageDigest
>>>>> services
>>>>> when implemented by the SUN security provider:
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!SUN.MessageDigest.MD5; *
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable everything except for the MD5 algorithm in MessageDigest
>>>>> services, irrespective of the security provider:
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!*.MessageDigest.MD5; *
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable everything except for algorithms using MD5, irrespective of the
>>>>> security provider and the service type:
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!*.*.*MD5*; *
>>>>> Notice that in this case there are wildcards at the beginning and
>>>>> end of
>>>>> the algorithm name. The reason is to match MD5 uses in algorithms such
>>>>> as HmacMD5, MD5withRSA, PBEWithMD5AndDES, etc.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable everything except for the RC4 algorithm in Cipher services when
>>>>> implemented by the SunJCE security provider:
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!SunJCE.Cipher.ARCFOUR; *
>>>>> or
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!SunJCE.Cipher.RC4; *
>>>>> or
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!SunJCE.Cipher.1\.2\.840\.113549\.3\.4; *
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable the SUN security provider only, with all its service types and
>>>>> algorithms. Other security providers must be disabled.
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=SUN
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable the SUN security provider only, with all its service types and
>>>>> algorithms except for MessageDigest. Other security providers must be
>>>>> disabled.
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!SUN.MessageDigest; SUN
>>>>> --
>>>>> Examples (mistakes)
>>>>> ====================
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable everything except for the MD5 algorithm, irrespective of the
>>>>> security provider and the service type:
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=*; !*.*.MD5
>>>>> This is wrong because the pattern "*" is matched first and a decision
>>>>> allowing MD5 will be made immediately after. The pattern "!*.*.MD5"
>>>>> will
>>>>> never be checked.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable all SUN service types except for MessageDigest. Disable other
>>>>> security providers.
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=!SUN.MessageDigest
>>>>> While non-SUN security providers are effectively disabled, this is
>>>>> wrong
>>>>> because SUN services other than MessageDigest will not match any
>>>>> pattern
>>>>> and, by default, the decision is to deny registration.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Enable the SunPKCS11 security provider only.
>>>>> jdk.security.providers.filter=SunPKCS11
>>>>> This is wrong because the SunPKCS11 provider has to be identified by
>>>>> its
>>>>> name instead of its class. A possible name would have the form of
>>>>> SunPKCS11-NAME. In a filter, this can be matched either by
>>>>> "SunPKCS11-NAME" or "SunPKCS11-*".
>>>>> --
>>>>> Look forward to your thoughts.
>>>>> Thanks.-
>>>>> --
>>>>> [1] -
>>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Properties.html#load%28java.io.Reader%29
>>>>> (†) - Thanks to Francisco Ferrari (@fferrari) for his contributions to
>>>>> this proposal.
>>>>> On 2/24/23 14:49, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>> Interesting proposal. I think Alternative 1 is a better direction to
>>>>>> explore from a code structure standpoint. If I remember correctly,
>>>>>> Preferred Provider is accessed when getting a service or instance
>>>>>> of the
>>>>>> algorithm. That happens on a per-operation basis. What you
>>>>>> describe is
>>>>>> something that would reshape contents of the ProviderList where
>>>>>> algorithms or services would not be in the list at all. That is
>>>>>> were I
>>>>>> think #2 gets too complex in trying to handle both in the same
>>>>>> property.
>>>>>> #2 may end up putting all checks in a per-operation check,
>>>>>> hindering
>>>>>> performance every time as the list grows.
>>>>>> I agree this is mostly used in the FIPS situation or where someone
>>>>>> wants
>>>>>> to disable an algorithm completely, say MD5. In those cases it's best
>>>>>> to just prevent the algorithm from ever being available.
>>>>>> On the smaller details side that you list. I think the name
>>>>>> ".enabled"
>>>>>> doesn't fit, particularly as the first thing in the example
>>>>>> disables all
>>>>>> Ciphers :). I don't have any suggestions at this time.
>>>>>> As far as the syntax. I think it maybe a bit difficult to parse in
>>>>>> code
>>>>>> and mental to disable all Ciphers, then enable just for SunJCE and
>>>>>> SUN.
>>>>>> The SUN '*" confused me until I realized you were enabling Ciphers.
>>>>>> Seems too easy to get wrong. I know you weren't making a formal spec,
>>>>>> but we have to start somewhere.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Tony
>>>>>> On 2/17/23 10:52 AM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> We would like to discuss a limitation in the current configuration
>>>>>>> capabilities for security providers and possible solutions that we
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> exploring (†).
>>>>>>> As you know, current configuration capabilities in java.security
>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>> users to install security providers, decide their priority in a list
>>>>>>> (security.provider.<n> properties) and even circumvent this priority
>>>>>>> for specific algorithms (jdk.security.provider.preferred property).
>>>>>>> However, there is no granularity in terms of what service types and
>>>>>>> algorithms are enabled once a security provider is installed: it's an
>>>>>>> all or nothing scheme. It is worth noting that security providers can
>>>>>>> bring with them a diverse range of service types. As an example, the
>>>>>>> SUN security provider comes with the following service types:
>>>>>>> SecureRandom, Signature, KeyPairGenerator,
>>>>>>> AlgorithmParameterGenerator, AlgorithmParameters, KeyFactory,
>>>>>>> MessageDigest, CertificateFactory, KeyStore, CertStore, Policy,
>>>>>>> Configuration, CertPathBuilder and CertPathValidator [1].
>>>>>>> In some cases, the user may need to enforce that all cryptographic
>>>>>>> primitives come from a specific security provider. This could happen,
>>>>>>> for example, when operating in a FIPS-compliant environment or under
>>>>>>> strict security policies. To better illustrate, let's say that the
>>>>>>> user requires that all cryptographic operations are performed in a
>>>>>>> Hardware Security Module (HSM). On the OpenJDK side, this means that
>>>>>>> the implementation for Cipher, Signature, Mac and other cryptographic
>>>>>>> services must be the one in the SunPKCS11 security provider. Let's
>>>>>>> also suppose that other non-cryptographic services such as those for
>>>>>>> certificates validation and TLS are required, and their
>>>>>>> implementation
>>>>>>> is in the SUN and SunJSSE security providers respectively. Setting
>>>>>>> SunPKCS11 at the highest priority of the list is not a strong
>>>>>>> guarantee to ensure that all cryptographic operations come from it:
>>>>>>> it's possible that an algorithm for Signature is not implemented in
>>>>>>> SunPKCS11 or in its underlying token but in the SUN security
>>>>>>> provider.
>>>>>>> Disabling the SUN security provider wouldn't be an option in this
>>>>>>> case
>>>>>>> because we need its certificates validation service.
>>>>>>> This problem goes beyond OpenJDK default security providers. Even if
>>>>>>> we come up with a new layout for service types, algorithms and
>>>>>>> providers —putting backward compatibility issues aside—, there is
>>>>>>> always the possibility that a 3rd party security provider does not
>>>>>>> follow any services grouping convention. It might also be the case
>>>>>>> that we need to disable a specific algorithm only —i.e. for
>>>>>>> cryptographic policy reasons— and TLS or JAR signing properties fall
>>>>>>> short.
>>>>>>> In our view, it would be beneficial to add more configuration
>>>>>>> flexibility and control to the existing API in which any security
>>>>>>> provider can be plugged in, in the form of deciding which service
>>>>>>> types and algorithms are enabled for each installed provider.
>>>>>>> There are 2 alternatives that we are exploring to tackle this
>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>> Alternative #1
>>>>>>> ===========================
>>>>>>> Introduce a new security property to decide which service types and
>>>>>>> algorithms are enabled for each security provider. The default value
>>>>>>> for this property would be empty, which keeps this feature disabled
>>>>>>> and all services from installed security providers available.
>>>>>>> As for the new property's syntax and semantics, we've been
>>>>>>> considering
>>>>>>> an allow-list along the lines of:
>>>>>>> jdk.security.provider.enabled = security-provider-1 {
>>>>>>> service-type-1 :
>>>>>>> alg-1, ... ; ... } , ...
>>>>>>> Note: we need a formal syntax specification, this is for illustration
>>>>>>> only.
>>>>>>> As part of the syntax we are considering the use of wildcards (*) to
>>>>>>> match multiple security providers, service types and algorithms, and
>>>>>>> minus signs (-) to remove service types. When a service type is
>>>>>>> removed, the action applies to all algorithms and any attempt to
>>>>>>> specify them explicitly would be an error. The minus sign cannot be
>>>>>>> used at the algorithm level. We are also thinking that in case of a
>>>>>>> partial or total contradiction between conditions, the right-most
>>>>>>> value applies on top of the others. If a security provider, service
>>>>>>> type or algorithm does not exist, we can simply write a debug warning
>>>>>>> and ignore it. As for the name of the algorithms, we can also include
>>>>>>> Ciphers transformations.
>>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>>> jdk.security.provider.enabled = * { -Cipher }, SunJCE { Cipher :
>>>>>>> AES/GCM/NoPadding, DES ; Signature }, SUN { * ; -Signature }
>>>>>>> This would be interpreted as:
>>>>>>> * Irrespective of the provider (*), Cipher services should be
>>>>>>> removed (-). This rule would be superfluous in this case because the
>>>>>>> property itself is an allow-list and there is nothing to the left
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> enables Cipher service types for any provider.
>>>>>>> * From the SunJCE security provider, Cipher services with
>>>>>>> AES/GCM/NoPadding and DES transformations are allowed, and Signature
>>>>>>> services with any algorithm are allowed. Notice that there is a
>>>>>>> shortcut here: the algorithm list that follows the service name, "':
>>>>>>> alg-1, ..." is optional. When omitted all the service's algorithms
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> enabled.
>>>>>>> * From the SUN security provider, every service type is allowed
>>>>>>> except Signature (recall that a minus sign can only apply to a
>>>>>>> service, removing all associated algorithms).
>>>>>>> It's not the goal of this proposal to invalidate property values that
>>>>>>> lead to inconsistent internal states, such as "the Cipher service of
>>>>>>> SunJCE depends on AlgorithmParameters from SUN". This is because the
>>>>>>> combinations for a check are virtually infinite: there can be 3rd
>>>>>>> party security providers with their own semantics and
>>>>>>> dependencies. In
>>>>>>> the same way, we cannot determine at start time any application
>>>>>>> dependencies. It's up to the user to analyze all types of
>>>>>>> dependencies
>>>>>>> before setting a value.
>>>>>>> Alternative #2
>>>>>>> ===========================
>>>>>>> Introduce a boolean security property to turn the value of the
>>>>>>> existing jdk.security.provider.preferred property into the only
>>>>>>> combinations of algorithm, service and provider that are allowed:
>>>>>>> jdk.security.provider.preferredOnly = true
>>>>>>> The default value for the new property would be "false", keeping the
>>>>>>> current "preferred" behavior in which all algorithms and services
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> installed security providers are available.
>>>>>>> Contrary to Alternative #1, the user has to explicitly list the
>>>>>>> algorithms and cannot rely on wildcards to express wide categories
>>>>>>> such as "all Cipher algorithms from SunJCE" or "all algorithms from
>>>>>>> SunJCE". The use of minus signs to remove service types or algorithms
>>>>>>> wouldn't be available either.
>>>>>>> In order to mitigate the burden on users we can consider extending
>>>>>>> jdk.security.provider.preferred syntax as long as we keep
>>>>>>> backward-compatibility and stay within the boundaries of a
>>>>>>> "preferred"
>>>>>>> semantics. For example, we can accept a value of
>>>>>>> "jdk.security.provider.preferred=SunJCE" to mean that any service and
>>>>>>> any algorithm from SunJCE is either preferred or allowed,
>>>>>>> depending on
>>>>>>> the value of jdk.security.provider.preferredOnly. This case would
>>>>>>> be a
>>>>>>> service type and algorithm wildcard. We can also define an
>>>>>>> algorithms-only wildcard, such as Cipher.*:SunJCE.
>>>>>>> Alternative #2 has the advantage of reusing most or all of the
>>>>>>> existing syntax. However, it's worth noticing that it implies an
>>>>>>> overloaded semantic that can turn confusing or inconvenient in some
>>>>>>> cases. As an example, a user that relies on the prioritized security
>>>>>>> providers list for most of the algorithms and has only a few
>>>>>>> preferred
>>>>>>> exceptions, would need to express preferences by extension upon
>>>>>>> turning on this feature. Alternative #1 keeps preferences and
>>>>>>> availability as two separate concepts, in a more clear way.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Martin.-
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> [1] -
>>>>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/security/oracle-providers.html#GUID-3A80CC46-91E1-4E47-AC51-CB7B782CEA7D
>>>>>>> (†) - Thanks to @fferrari for his contributions to this proposal.
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