PrivilegedAction et al and JEP411

Andrew Dinn adinn at
Tue Jun 20 09:33:40 UTC 2023

On 19/06/2023 23:44, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> OpenJDK dev's have worked hard to improve encapsulation, however OpenJDK 
> has made it abundantly clear, that even if the community could maintain 
> and improve a feature, corporate has the final say and will do whatever 
> they want anyway, as much as I appreciate the hard work of OpenJDK 
> developers, corporate has the last say.

Peter, just because you keep repeating this garbage it does not become 
any more true by that mere fact of repetition.

Any OpenJDK project contributor is able to raise reasoned objections to 
changes if grounded in problems that they might entail and any reviewer 
can prohibit a change on the basis of a legitimate such objection.

The truth your repeated claims belie is that no one in the project has 
tried to stop removal of the security manager because no reviewer has 
heard any argument for keeping it that outweighs the overwhelming 
benefits to the great majority of our users of not having it (including 
yours). You may not agree with that judgement but pretending to yourself 
that this is happening because of some corporate plot to stop the 
project doing the right thing is delusional.


Andrew Dinn

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