[External] : Re: PEM KeyStore Implementation
Anthony Scarpino
anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Tue Sep 19 20:31:18 UTC 2023
There are no doc links yet.
On 9/10/23 1:04 AM, Karl Scheibelhofer wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> The motivation was mostly about reading PEM keys and certificates
> generated somewhere else. This is common practice in enterprise
> environments I work in. Because corporate key material is subject to
> centralized key management, including generation, backup and rollover.
> PEM is the format most software products can handle. For Java
> applications, having a PEM KeyStore would reduce the often required
> additional step of converting PEM key and certificate in a Java
> Keystore/PKCS#12.
> Even truststores handling is easier with individual PEM certificates
> instead of a single PKCS#12 Truststore. Adding or deleting a single
> file instead of replacing the complete PKCS#12 store is less error
> prone and cleaner to track in version control. The additional benefit
> of a MAC in PKCS#12 adds little to no security in most cases.
> And being text based, PEM is more version control friendly than binary PKCS#12.
> But to enable sound support of PEM, I also implemented writing PEM
> keys and certificates. This way, one can use the JDK keytool to
> generate key and certificate signing requests in PEM format. Getting
> the certificate from the CA in PEM, one can use PEM throughout the
> process.
> Do you have any links or documentation on the PEM API JEP that you mentioned?
> Thank you for your feedback and best regards
> Karl
> Am Fr., 8. Sept. 2023 um 21:17 Uhr schrieb Anthony Scarpino
> <anthony.scarpino at oracle.com>:
>> Hi Karl
>> The keystore is interesting and may have some value. Was your use case
>> mostly reading PEM keys and certificates generated elsewhere for use
>> with a particular application, maybe webservers? Did you see value in
>> writing to this keystore from Java?
>> On the topic of PEM, I hope before the end of the year to have a PEM API
>> JEP. I would be interested in your API feedback from your keystore
>> experiences. I think if this keystore contribution was accepted, it
>> should wait so it can use that API.
>> thanks
>> Tony
>> On 9/1/23 12:15 PM, Karl Scheibelhofer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Working with Java and the JCA KeyStore for decades, I came across
>>> many situations where I thought it would be convenient to be
>>> able to load private keys and certificates in PEM format directly
>>> using the KeyStore API. Without the need to convert them to PKCS#12/JKS.
>>> You can find my implementation of a PEM KeyStore in
>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/KarlScheibelhofer/java-crypto-tools__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!Oty2x6ce8fseqwbwEZ1eFN9xJCtVxU8aUXn1GXt81SA1JkTeB9GSykdwShzJKOFYUAA1oUtLGaX1kmZV984WRsO-8KQq5dw$ .
>>> I wondered if it would make sense to integrate such an implementation
>>> in one of the standard providers of OpenJDK - like the SUN provider.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Best regards
>>> Karl
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