Authority Information Access extension (AIA) enabling by default ?

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at
Wed Apr 10 07:44:51 UTC 2024

Hello, in   sun/security/provider/certpath/   we check a property  to set AIA (Authority Information Access extension) support  :

     * Flag indicating whether support for the caIssuers field of the
     * Authority Information Access extension shall be enabled. Currently
     * disabled by default for compatibility reasons.
    static final boolean USE_AIA = GetBooleanAction

By the default, the AIA  support is disabled (but can be enabled by the property above) .

Are there some plans/thoughts to enable it by default  in the future ?
(and what are the stated compatibility reasons  that were mentioned manye years ago when the comment was written?
Are they still as valid today as before ?)

Best regards, Matthias
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