Need reviewer - jdk7 jdwpgen, added netbeans project, fixed findbugs errors

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Fri Aug 21 08:59:56 PDT 2009

2009/8/21 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:
> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Still need reviewer ...
>>  6853636: Fix warnings in jdwpgen, add jdwpgen NetBeans project
>> Pretty harmless code cleanup on the tool used to generate
>> some of the JDWP code for the debugger.
>> -kto
> As you say, these changes are harmless but I'm curious as to what is
> generating the warnings. I assume NetBeans is highlighting the unused
> imports and unused fields

ecj also flags these FWIW; it seems to like being very noisy with
respect to warnings.

but the initialization of fields to their default
> values in AbstractNamedNode, AltNode, and others? Is findbugs the reason why
> you are removing the usage of System.exit? As this is a command line tool
> then I would think its usage is justified. The other changes look fine
> except ConstantSetNode.constantMap - can that be final?

These all look FindBugs issues to me.  The only advantage to replacing
System.exit seems to be to get a stacktrace, which would probably be
less aesthetically pleasing for a command-line tool.

I agree constantMap should be final, well spotted.

> The NB project files look fine but just wondering if it is really necessary
> to check in the findbug settings, are there non-default settings here?
> -Alan

Andrew :-)

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