Code Review for WeakReference leak in the Logging API (6942989)
Daniel D. Daugherty
daniel.daugherty at
Tue Jun 15 21:27:04 PDT 2010
Revisiting this e-mail now that I've completed a first pass
at a ReferenceQueue implementation.
On 6/11/2010 10:36 AM, Eamonn McManus wrote:
> I think an alternative approach to the one here would be to use a
> global ReferenceQueue and a subclass of WeakReference that has a
> pointer back to the Logger or LogNode that contains this WeakReference.
The WeakReference subclass that I created manages weaks refs
in LogManager.loggers (now named LogManager.namedLoggers),
LogManager.LogNode.loggerRef and I got the idea
of managing LogManager.loggers from Jeremy's fix.
> Then, in the cases where you currently check for stale entries, you
> could simply poll the ReferenceQueue and visit any Logger or LogNode
> that it is telling you has a cleared WeakReference.
I created a LogManager.drainLoggerRefQueueBounded() method based on
Tony's paper:
and I'm calling it on the LogManager.addLogger() and the
Logger.getAnonymousLogger(String) code paths.
> There are a couple of subtle points, though. First, you'll need to be
> careful about synchronization before clearing WeakReferences, since
> the Logger you're being told about isn't necessarily related to the
> current one. is protected by a global lock treeLock but
> LogManager.loggers is protected by the LogManager's lock, so when
> logManager1.addLogger detects that a logger belonging to logManager2
> has a stale WeakReference, it needs to drop the logManager1 lock and
> acquire the logManager2 one before scanning the reference list. (This
> means that addLogger has to change from being a synchronized method to
> have a big synchronized(this) block with a non-synchronized tail-end.)
There is only one LogManager so I don't have to worry about redoing
the LogManager synchronization stuff. drainLoggerRefQueueBounded()
isn't called from the context of a Logger object so I don't have to
worry about a current Logger versus other Logger context collision.
> Second, since apparently the user can introduce loops in the Logger
> hierarchy, the reference from the WeakReference subclass back to the
> parent Logger will itself need to be a WeakReference.
I did make the parent Logger reference a weak reference, but not
because of loops. I did it because I didn't want to add a strong
reference to the parent Logger and keep it from being GC'ed. Sorry,
I still can't figure out what loops have to do with it.
> Nevertheless, I think this approach is likely to be less complicated
> than the proposed one,
I'm still not convinced this approach is less complicated, but
it is definitely a much better approach :-)
> notably because there's no need to protect against infinite recursion;
No more need for protecting against infinite recursion.
> and the performance concerns should be less because you only look for
> cleared WeakReferences when you know they are there, and you know
> where to look.
Definitely less performance concerns. I also only cleanup a set
maximum of GC'ed Logger objects per call. Tony P's paper also
recommended this and the drain*Bounded() name too.
> Éamonn
Thanks again for the ReferenceQueue idea and for your thorough review.
I'm running my new version through VM/NSK logging tests right now;
it passed the SDK/JDK LOGGING_REGRESSION tests. I'll make one more
sanity check code review after that and send the revised bits out
for a re-review...
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