Review request: 7193302 Remove ConstructorProperties annotation from

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Tue Sep 11 15:40:04 PDT 2012

The @java.beans.ConstructorProperties annotation on j.l.m.LockInfo
causes an undesirable dependency on java.beans at compile
time and runtime.

As java.beans is tightly coupled with the client API (awt, swing,
java2d, etc), anyone using (management module)
would cause all the awt, swing, java2d, and other desktop classes
that are grouped in the same module to be present due to this
java.beans dependency.

LockInfo is annotated with @ConstructorProperties so that a JMX
client can access ThreadMXBean and LockInfo statically rather than
via JMX open type and CompositeData. also
provides an alternative way for a model-specific type to define
a static from(CompositeData) method.

This fix is to take out @java.beans.ConstructorProperties from
the LockInfo constructor and add a new static LockInfo.from(CompositeData)
method.  With that, LockInfo instance can be reconstructed in any JMX
client running on JDK 6 or later release while no longer
depends on java.beans.  Also the from static method is present in
j.l.m.MemoryUsage, MonitorInfo, and ThreadInfo classes and so this
change brings consistency.

Webrev at:

An existing ThreadMXBeanProxy test verifies the conversion when
the target VM is running on the same version.  I manually verify
when a test running on jdk7 connects to a VM running on jdk8 with
this fix and LockInfo conversion is working properly.


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