Review request: 7193302 Remove ConstructorProperties annotation from

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Sep 12 01:33:56 PDT 2012

On 11/09/2012 23:40, Mandy Chung wrote:
> :
> Webrev at:
> An existing ThreadMXBeanProxy test verifies the conversion when
> the target VM is running on the same version.  I manually verify
> when a test running on jdk7 connects to a VM running on jdk8 with
> this fix and LockInfo conversion is working properly.
This looks good to me. A minor point but LockInfo should have an @since 
1.8 to make it clear that the from( CompositeData) is new. Also as 
LazyCompositeData is serializable then you may wish to add a 
serialVersionUID to LockInfoCompositeData too (I see the other 
implementations already do this).

Otherwise it is good to hear that 7 <==> 8 interop is not impacted by 
this change.

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