June 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jun 1 07:18:51 UTC 2015
Ending: Sun Jun 28 16:38:32 UTC 2015
Messages: 150
- RFR(M, v10): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Staffan Larsen
- RFR(S): 8081037: serviceability/sa/ tests time out on Windows
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- PerfData counter: sun.gc.policy.generations in JDK 8
Srinivas Ramakrishna
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
Chris Plummer
- RFR(M, v11): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR(M, v11): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Mikael Gerdin
- PING: RFR: JDK-8072913: [REDO] GCCause should distinguish jcmd GC.run from System.gc()
Yasumasa Suenaga
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
Chris Plummer
- RFR 8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR(M, v11): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- PerfData counter: sun.gc.policy.generations in JDK 8
Jon Masamitsu
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
Mikhailo Seledtsov
- RFR 8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR 8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
Jiangli Zhou
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
Chris Plummer
- RFR(M, v11): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Peter Levart
- PerfData counter: sun.gc.policy.generations in JDK 8
Srinivas Ramakrishna
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR(M, v12): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR(M, v11): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR 8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
Lois Foltan
- RFR 8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR(M, v13): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR 8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR(M, v13): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Mandy Chung
- RFR(M, v13): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Peter Levart
- RFR 8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR(M, v13): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Mandy Chung
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
Chris Plummer
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
David Holmes
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Mandy Chung
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- 8076110: VM crash when class is redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Mandy Chung
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
Chris Plummer
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- [9] RFR (M) 8054386: Allow Java debugging when CDS is enabled
David Holmes
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Staffan Larsen
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Staffan Larsen
- Wrapping sun.misc.Unsafe's native methods
Bernd Eckenfels
- RFR(M, v14): JDK-8059036 : Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR(S): 8085813: The targeted processes in sun/tools tests should be launched with -XX:+UsePerfData flag in order to work on embedded platforms
Yekaterina Kantserova
- RFR(XS): 8085973: The targeted processes in javax/management tests should be launched with -XX:+UsePerfData flag in order to work on embedded platforms
Yekaterina Kantserova
- RFR(S): 8085813: The targeted processes in sun/tools tests should be launched with -XX:+UsePerfData flag in order to work on embedded platforms
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR(XS): 8085973: The targeted processes in javax/management tests should be launched with -XX:+UsePerfData flag in order to work on embedded platforms
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR(S): 8085813: The targeted processes in sun/tools tests should be launched with -XX:+UsePerfData flag in order to work on embedded platforms
Yekaterina Kantserova
- RFR(S, TESTONLY): JDK-8081576 serviceability/sa tests fail due to LingeredApp process fails to start
Dmitry Samersoff
- Additional USDT probes for gc (was: Re: JEP 167: Event-Based JVM Tracing)
Omair Majid
- RFR(S, TESTONLY): JDK-8081576 serviceability/sa tests fail due to LingeredApp process fails to start
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- More visibility into code cache churn
Srinivas Ramakrishna
- More visibility into code cache churn
Kirk Pepperdine
- PING Re: RFR: 8078521: AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
Dmitry Samersoff
- PING Re: RFR: 8078521: AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
Andrew Haley
- RFR: JDK-8062045: Update svc regression tests to extend the default security policy instead of override
Alexander Kulyakhtin
- RFR: JDK-8062045: Update svc regression tests to extend the default security policy instead of override
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR: JDK-8062045: Update svc regression tests to extend the default security policy instead of override
Alexander Kulyakhtin
- RFR: JDK-8062045: Update svc regression tests to extend the default security policy instead of override
Mandy Chung
- RFR 8081634: Concurrent usage of a StringBuilder causes test intermittent failures
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR 8081634: Concurrent usage of a StringBuilder causes test intermittent failures
Staffan Larsen
- RFR: JDK-8122944 perfdata used is seen as too high on sparc zone with jdk1.9 and causes a test failure
Staffan Larsen
- RFR: JDK-8122944 perfdata used is seen as too high on sparc zone with jdk1.9 and causes a test failure
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR 8080138: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/JMXStartStopTest.java failed with java.lang.Error intermittently
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR 8081634: Concurrent usage of a StringBuilder causes test intermittent failures
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR 8080138: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/JMXStartStopTest.java failed with java.lang.Error intermittently
Staffan Larsen
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Daniel Fuchs
- System.gc() causes for jcl (BufferPoolMXBean)
Bernd Eckenfels
- System.gc() causes for jcl (BufferPoolMXBean)
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Jaroslav Bachorik
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Jaroslav Bachorik
- System.gc() causes for jcl (BufferPoolMXBean)
Bernd Eckenfels
- RFR(S, TESTONLY): JDK-8081576 serviceability/sa tests fail due to LingeredApp process fails to start
Dmitry Samersoff
- System.gc() causes for jcl (BufferPoolMXBean)
Alan Bateman
- System.gc() causes for jcl (BufferPoolMXBean)
Kirk Pepperdine
- RFR(S, TESTONLY): JDK-8081576 serviceability/sa tests fail due to LingeredApp process fails to start
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- System.gc() causes for jcl (BufferPoolMXBean)
Bernd Eckenfels
- RFR 8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
Jaroslav Bachorik
- Minimized StackTraceElement
Chromium Learner
- RFR 8071487: javax/management/monitor/GaugeMonitorDeadlockTest.java timed out
Jaroslav Bachorik
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Mario Torre
- [RFR] (XS) 8129386: [TESTBUG] - com/sun/jdi/cds/*.java missing @build tag for libraries
Chris Plummer
- [RFR] (XS) 8129386: [TESTBUG] - com/sun/jdi/cds/*.java missing @build tag for libraries
Ioi Lam
- [RFR] (XS) 8129386: [TESTBUG] - com/sun/jdi/cds/*.java missing @build tag for libraries
Mikhailo Seledtsov
- [RFR] (XS) 8129386: [TESTBUG] - com/sun/jdi/cds/*.java missing @build tag for libraries
Mikhailo Seledtsov
- [RFR] (XS) 8129386: [TESTBUG] - com/sun/jdi/cds/*.java missing @build tag for libraries
Chris Plummer
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Vladimir Voskresensky
- RFR 8071487: javax/management/monitor/GaugeMonitorDeadlockTest.java timed out
David Holmes
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Kirk Pepperdine
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Kirk Pepperdine
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Mario Torre
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Minimized StackTraceElement
Chromium Learner
- RFR 8071487: javax/management/monitor/GaugeMonitorDeadlockTest.java timed out
Jaroslav Bachorik
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(S): JDK-8059038 Create new launcher for SA tools
Dmitry Samersoff
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Mario Torre
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Tony Printezis
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- RFR(S): JDK-8059038 Create new launcher for SA tools
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- RFR: 8078521: AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR 8071487: javax/management/monitor/GaugeMonitorDeadlockTest.java timed out
David Holmes
- RFR: 8078521: AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8078521: AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR: 8078521: AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
David Holmes
- RFR(S): JDK-8059038 Create new launcher for SA tools
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR: 8078521: AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
Dmitry Samersoff
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Tony Printezis
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Bernd Eckenfels
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Kirk Pepperdine
- RFR 8071487: javax/management/monitor/GaugeMonitorDeadlockTest.java timed out
Jaroslav Bachorik
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Tony Printezis
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Karen Kinnear
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Tony Printezis
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Tony Printezis
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Tony Printezis
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- RFR 8071487: javax/management/monitor/GaugeMonitorDeadlockTest.java timed out
David Holmes
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Kirk Pepperdine
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Kirk Pepperdine
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Kirk Pepperdine
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Karen Kinnear
- RFR(S): JDK-8059038 Create new launcher for SA tools
serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Kirk Pepperdine
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
- Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
Jeremy Manson
Last message date:
Sun Jun 28 16:38:32 UTC 2015
Archived on: Sun Jun 28 16:38:56 UTC 2015
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).