Let jvmtiGen exit with a non-zero exit code upon failure
Staffan Larsen
staffan.larsen at oracle.com
Fri Oct 30 11:33:08 UTC 2015
I realize now that the code can be simplified even more. If we remove all the exception-catches and just let any exceptions propagate out of main(), then the java executable will terminate with a non-zero exit value if an exception is thrown. I don’t think the code in the exception handlers add any significant functionality. If you do this, then you don’t need to keep track of the “cleanRun” variable.
> On 30 okt. 2015, at 10:12, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Carsten,
> The fix looks good.
> I'll push it as soon as I get a time.
> New bug filed:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141035 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141035>
> Feel free to update it if necessary.
> Thanks,
> Serguei
> On 10/29/15 17:00, Carsten Varming wrote:
>> Dear Serguei and Steffan,
>> Thank you for the reviews. I have updated the webrev at <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ecvarming/jvmtiGen>http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cvarming/jvmtiGen <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cvarming/jvmtiGen> . I haven't been able to log into JBS yet, so please go ahead and create bug id for this change.
>> Dan: Thank you for forwarding this email to the proper alias.
>> Carsten
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 6:44 PM, <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com> <serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Carsten,
>> I forgot to thank you for taking care about this issue!
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>> On 10/29/15 15:41, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com <mailto:serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Carsten,
>> The fix looks good.
>> I share the Staffan's comments though.
>> If understand correctly, you do not have an openjdk author status yet.
>> I will sponsor your fix.
>> Please, let me know the bug ID after you create one.
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
>> Please, let me know
>> On 10/29/15 14:22, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>> Carsten,
>> This looks good with a few comments:
>> 1) If you make the “verbose” variable into a static field, you can avoid the final-copying.
>> 2) nit: Line 216: put "System.exit(1);” on it’s own line
>> Oh, and create a bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/>
>> Thanks,
>> /Staffan
>> On 29 okt. 2015, at 14:54, Daniel D. Daugherty <daniel.daugherty at oracle.com <mailto:daniel.daugherty at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> JVM/TI belongs to the Serviceability team so adding serviceability-dev at ...
>> Dan
>> On 10/28/15 8:45 PM, Carsten Varming wrote:
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cvarming/jvmtiGen/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ecvarming/jvmtiGen/>
>> bug: ?
>> jvmtiGen is used to process a number of xml and xslt files in OpenJDK.
>> Currently jvmtiGen exits with exit code 0 regardless of its success. This
>> causes make to often consider a target finished when in fact the target
>> failed. It also leads to funny error checking after the execution of
>> jvmtiGen. For instance, in many trace.make files[*] a test for the
>> existence of the output file is carried out after the completion of
>> jvmtiGen. In a clean working repository that test is equivalent to jvmtiGen
>> exiting with a proper exit failure code on failure, but in a dirty working
>> repository the target file might just be pre-existing. This causes
>> unnecessary pain when working with files processed by jvmtiGen.
>> In this change I chose to exit with exit code 1 whenever a failure is
>> detected, be it a dtd validation failure, an IO failure, or something else
>> entirely. This halts the building of OpenJDK on failures and ultimately
>> makes development easier. I also added a verbose option such that warnings
>> from the xml parser and dtd checker can be printed on stderr if desired.
>> Finally, I changed all the error message printing to stderr. :-)
>> Let me know what you think.
>> BTW. This is the first time I tried the webrev system, so hopefully it all
>> looks good. I havn't figured out how to create a bug yet, whence the
>> question mark.
>> I wasn't sure if hotspot-runtime-dev is the right email alias. Please let
>> me know if there is a more appropriate alias for this email.
>> [*] Why are so many of the non-shared makefiles almost identical?
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