RFR(S) 8151342: Add module name/version to class histogram output

harold seigel harold.seigel at oracle.com
Wed Apr 27 17:35:32 UTC 2016

Hi Sundar,

Thanks for reviewing my change.

I'm unclear about what module related work is being done in SA. If a 
similar change is needed in SA then I'd prefer to handle it as a 
separate bug.

Thanks! Harold

On 4/27/2016 8:41 AM, Sundararajan Athijegannathan wrote:
> +1
> PS. Don't we have to update the SA code that dumps histogram so that -F
> mode output would be similar?
> -Sundar
> On 4/27/2016 6:04 PM, harold seigel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review this small change to add module information to the class
>> histogram displayed by tools such as jmap and jcmd.  The module name
>> and version will follow the class name and be enclosed in
>> parentheses.  Classes not in modules will not contain module
>> information.  For example:
>>   num     #instances         #bytes  class name (module)
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>     1:          7892        1575952  [B (java.base at 9-internal)
>>     2:          1783         214672  java.lang.Class
>> (java.base at 9-internal)
>>     3:          5749         183968  java.util.HashMap$Node
>> (java.base at 9-internal)
>>     4:          7081         169944  java.lang.String
>> (java.base at 9-internal)
>>     5:          1881          95312  [Ljava.lang.Object;
>> (java.base at 9-internal)
>>     6:           785          90832  [I (java.base at 9-internal)
>>                            ...
>>    16:          1024          16384  ClassHistogramTest$TestClass
>>                            ...
>> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8151342/
>> JBS bug:  https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8151342
>> The fix was tested with JCK Lang, and VM tests, the UTE colocated and
>> non-colocated quick tests, and the JTreg jdk_svc, hotspot, JDK
>> java/io, java/lang, java/util, and java/security tests.
>> Thanks, Harold

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