RFR (XS): 8150725 JDWP specification: referenceTypeID size needs clarification

serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Thu Apr 28 07:00:51 UTC 2016

Please, review the JDWP spec change in the pubs repository.

This is the jdwp-spec.html patch:

diff -r 419446ca4a1b docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html
--- a/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html Thu Apr 21 13:37:56 2016 
+++ b/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html Wed Apr 27 20:02:12 2016 
@@ -277,6 +277,12 @@
  is a value.</td>
+<td>same as objectID</td>
+<td>Uniquely identifies an object in the target VM that is known to
+be a module object</td>
  <td>same as objectID</td>
  <td>Uniquely identifies an object in the target VM that is known to
@@ -296,7 +302,7 @@
-<td>same as objectID</td>
+<td>Target VM-specific, up to 8 bytes (see below)</td>
  <td>Uniquely identifies a reference type in the target VM. It
  should not be assumed that for a particular class, the
  <code>classObjectID</code> and the <code>referenceTypeID</code> are


   JDWP specification at 
   Name               Size
   referenceTypeID  | same as objectID | ...

   While the text at the bottom of the page is calling out 
referenceTypeID as being sized independently (along with objectID, 
fieidID, etc):
   "Object ids, reference type ids, field ids, method ids, and frame ids 
may be sized differently in different target VM implementations"
   IDSizes JDWP command also specifies referenceTypeID size.

   The referenceTypeID "Size" column should say: "Target VM-specific, up 
to 8 bytes (see below)".

   Also, the push of the "JDK-8049365: Update JDI and JDWP for modules" 
missed to update
   the jdwp-spec.html with introduction of the moduleID type:

Name        Size                Description
moduleID  | same as objectID  | Uniquely identifies an object in the 
target VM that is known to be a module object.


    Checked the jdwp-spec.html in the browser window.
    No other testing is needed.


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