RFR(m): 8150015: Integrate TraceTime with Unified Logging more seamlessly

Robbin Ehn robbin.ehn at oracle.com
Wed Mar 16 06:53:52 UTC 2016

Thanks David for looking at this!

On 03/16/2016 06:27 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 16/03/2016 3:14 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Robbin,
>> Thanks for tackling this. :)
>> On 16/03/2016 6:31 AM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>> Hi, please review this enhancement.
>>> This adds support for multiple UL tags in TraceTime.
>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8150015/
>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rehn/8150015/v1/webrev/
>> Initial query: why do so many .cpp files now include the timerTrace.hpp
>> file yet have no other changes?
> Okay this is because they already implicitly include timer.hpp but now
> have to include the new timerTrace.hpp. Fair enough.
> Minor nit: src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp - the include was not
> put in in alphabetical order.


>> I'm still mulling over the verbosity of the new format. You may recall
>> there was a lot of discussion about this last time round :)

Yes :)

It's as verbose as gcTraceTime (which might be to verbose).

> Do we perhaps want to keep the wrapper classes in logTimer.hpp?
> Additional uses of TraceTime with UL can then either add their own
> wrappers or use the direct form you have added support for.

Either way is fine by me.


> Thanks,
> David
>> Thanks,
>> David
>>> Tested with jprt hotspot and manually tested log output.
>>> Thanks!
>>> /Robbin

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