RFR 8183123 : JDP packets have no processId context set

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Thu Jun 29 14:38:01 UTC 2017

Hi Andrew,

the fix looks ok to me. I will sponsor it after we get another review.

The copyright years need to be updated but I can do that before pushing. In the test I think it looks nicer to put the new "import static ..." line with one line of spacing to the others. But that's maybe my personal taste. I could rearrange that before pushing if you like.

Did you run the jtreg tests, e.g. group 'jdk_management'?

Best regards

From: serviceability-dev [mailto:serviceability-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Andrew Leonard
Sent: Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2017 15:57
To: serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: RFR 8183123 : JDP packets have no processId context set

Hi All,
Please can I get some review feedback for my changes for this issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8183123
The webrev patch has been uploaded here: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8183123.0/

Essentially the fix entails:
- Replacing invalid process id query logic with call to ProcessHandle.current().getPid().
- Update testcase to cover the failing scenario. Thus it fails without my patch, and succeeds with it.


Andrew Leonard
Java Runtimes Development
IBM Hursley
IBM United Kingdom Ltd
Phone internal: 245913, external: 01962 815913
internet email: andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com<mailto:andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com>

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598.
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU
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