(13) RFR(XS): 8226596: Accessibility errors in jdwp-protocol.html

serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com
Wed Jul 3 04:27:46 UTC 2019

On 7/2/19 8:57 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 2/07/2019 7:53 pm, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>> On 7/2/19 01:06, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Serguei,
>>> On 2/07/2019 6:01 pm, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>> On 2/07/2019 12:32 pm, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> On 7/1/19 19:03, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>> The updates to the heading levels all looks fine.
>>>>> Okay, thanks!
>>>>>> However the tables in the generated output look broken - they all 
>>>>>> have empty "header" rows with incorrect columns and no text. ??
>>>>> I'm not sure about this.
>>>>> What exact tables?
>>>> I need to send you a picture :) It will get stripped from the list 
>>>> but you should get it.
>>>> Need to find an existing online version of that document to compare.
>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/specs/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html
>>> Has the same problem. Should be fixed but separate issue.
>> Could you, please, file the bug?
>> I'm not sure what tables you are talking about.
> Most of the tables in the document - as per the image attachment I 
> sent you. 

Got it now, thanks!

 > I need to send you a picture
 > It will get stripped from the list but you should get it.

I've not understoud from the above that there is an attachment with the 
I thought, you are going to send some picture in the following email 
message. :)

> The code is generating an empty header row with more columns than the 
> table rows that follow. Here's the broken html that gets generated:
> <dt>Reply Data
> <dd><table><tr>
> <th style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 4%"><th 
> style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 15%"><th 
> style="width: 65%">
> <tr>
> Looks like its been doing this for years.

Okay, I see what you mean.
I always thought it is such a design of the tables.
At least, it looks pretty. :)
Otherwise, what would it be a purpose for these five 4% column headers?
Yes, they can be replaced with just one 20% column header.

Do you think, we really want to fix this?
But I agree, this looks strange anyway.

>> So, I guess, you give me a thumbs up for this fix. :)
> Yes.

Thanks a lot!
I've already pushed the fix.


> Cheers,
> David
>> Thanks!
>> Serguei
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>>> I do not see anything like this.
>>>>> Please, see the diff below:
>>>>> % diff 0/jdwp-protocol.html 1/jdwp-protocol.html
>>>>> 13c13,17
>>>>> < <ul role="navigation">
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <div class="centered" role="banner">
>>>>>  > <h1 id="Protocol Details">Java Debug Wire Protocol Details</h1>
>>>>>  > </div>
>>>>>  > <nav>
>>>>>  > <ul>
>>>>> 171a176
>>>>>  > </nav>
>>>>> 173c178
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine">VirtualMachine Command Set (1)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine">VirtualMachine Command Set (1)</h2>
>>>>> 175c180
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Version">Version Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Version">Version Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 205c210
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassesBySignature">ClassesBySignature 
>>>>> Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassesBySignature">ClassesBySignature 
>>>>> Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 244c249
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClasses">AllClasses Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClasses">AllClasses Command 
>>>>> (3)</h3>
>>>>> 281c286
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllThreads">AllThreads Command (4)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllThreads">AllThreads Command 
>>>>> (4)</h3>
>>>>> 306c311
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_TopLevelThreadGroups">TopLevelThreadGroups 
>>>>> Command (5)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_TopLevelThreadGroups">TopLevelThreadGroups 
>>>>> Command (5)</h3>
>>>>> 331c336
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Dispose">Dispose Command (6)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Dispose">Dispose Command (6)</h3>
>>>>> 341c346
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_IDSizes">IDSizes Command (7)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_IDSizes">IDSizes Command (7)</h3>
>>>>> 371c376
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Suspend">Suspend Command (8)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Suspend">Suspend Command (8)</h3>
>>>>> 383c388
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Resume">Resume Command (9)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Resume">Resume Command (9)</h3>
>>>>> 393c398
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Exit">Exit Command (10)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Exit">Exit Command (10)</h3>
>>>>> 409c414
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CreateString">CreateString Command 
>>>>> (11)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CreateString">CreateString Command 
>>>>> (11)</h3>
>>>>> 433c438
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Capabilities">Capabilities Command 
>>>>> (12)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Capabilities">Capabilities Command 
>>>>> (12)</h3>
>>>>> 469c474
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassPaths">ClassPaths Command 
>>>>> (13)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassPaths">ClassPaths Command 
>>>>> (13)</h3>
>>>>> 507c512
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_DisposeObjects">DisposeObjects 
>>>>> Command (14)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_DisposeObjects">DisposeObjects 
>>>>> Command (14)</h3>
>>>>> 534c539
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_HoldEvents">HoldEvents Command 
>>>>> (15)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_HoldEvents">HoldEvents Command 
>>>>> (15)</h3>
>>>>> 544c549
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ReleaseEvents">ReleaseEvents Command 
>>>>> (16)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ReleaseEvents">ReleaseEvents 
>>>>> Command (16)</h3>
>>>>> 554c559
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CapabilitiesNew">CapabilitiesNew 
>>>>> Command (17)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CapabilitiesNew">CapabilitiesNew 
>>>>> Command (17)</h3>
>>>>> 665c670
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_RedefineClasses">RedefineClasses 
>>>>> Command (18)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_RedefineClasses">RedefineClasses 
>>>>> Command (18)</h3>
>>>>> 717c722
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_SetDefaultStratum">SetDefaultStratum 
>>>>> Command (19)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_SetDefaultStratum">SetDefaultStratum 
>>>>> Command (19)</h3>
>>>>> 736c741
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClassesWithGeneric">AllClassesWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (20)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClassesWithGeneric">AllClassesWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (20)</h3>
>>>>> 777c782
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_InstanceCounts">InstanceCounts 
>>>>> Command (21)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_InstanceCounts">InstanceCounts 
>>>>> Command (21)</h3>
>>>>> 817c822
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllModules">AllModules Command 
>>>>> (22)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllModules">AllModules Command 
>>>>> (22)</h3>
>>>>> 843c848
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ReferenceType">ReferenceType Command Set (2)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ReferenceType">ReferenceType Command Set (2)</h2>
>>>>> 845c850
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Signature">Signature Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Signature">Signature Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 871c876
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>> (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>> (2)</h3>
>>>>> 897c902
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Modifiers">Modifiers Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Modifiers">Modifiers Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 923c928
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Fields">Fields Command (4)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Fields">Fields Command (4)</h3>
>>>>> 969c974
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Methods">Methods Command (5)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Methods">Methods Command (5)</h3>
>>>>> 1015c1020
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_GetValues">GetValues Command (6)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_GetValues">GetValues Command (6)</h3>
>>>>> 1059c1064
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceFile">SourceFile Command (7)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceFile">SourceFile Command (7)</h3>
>>>>> 1086c1091
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_NestedTypes">NestedTypes Command 
>>>>> (8)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_NestedTypes">NestedTypes Command 
>>>>> (8)</h3>
>>>>> 1123c1128
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Status">Status Command (9)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Status">Status Command (9)</h3>
>>>>> 1149c1154
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Interfaces">Interfaces Command (10)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Interfaces">Interfaces Command 
>>>>> (10)</h3>
>>>>> 1182c1187
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassObject">ClassObject Command 
>>>>> (11)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassObject">ClassObject Command 
>>>>> (11)</h3>
>>>>> 1208c1213
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceDebugExtension">SourceDebugExtension 
>>>>> Command (12)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceDebugExtension">SourceDebugExtension 
>>>>> Command (12)</h3>
>>>>> 1236c1241
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SignatureWithGeneric">SignatureWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (13)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SignatureWithGeneric">SignatureWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (13)</h3>
>>>>> 1265c1270
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_FieldsWithGeneric">FieldsWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (14)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_FieldsWithGeneric">FieldsWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (14)</h3>
>>>>> 1315c1320
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_MethodsWithGeneric">MethodsWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (15)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_MethodsWithGeneric">MethodsWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (15)</h3>
>>>>> 1365c1370
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Instances">Instances Command (16)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Instances">Instances Command (16)</h3>
>>>>> 1403c1408
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassFileVersion">ClassFileVersion 
>>>>> Command (17)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassFileVersion">ClassFileVersion 
>>>>> Command (17)</h3>
>>>>> 1433c1438
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ConstantPool">ConstantPool Command 
>>>>> (18)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ConstantPool">ConstantPool Command 
>>>>> (18)</h3>
>>>>> 1471c1476
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Module">Module Command (19)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Module">Module Command (19)</h3>
>>>>> 1498c1503
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassType">ClassType Command Set (3)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassType">ClassType Command Set (3)</h2>
>>>>> 1500c1505
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_Superclass">Superclass Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_Superclass">Superclass Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 1526c1531
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 1562c1567
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 1613c1618
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (4)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (4)</h3>
>>>>> 1665c1670
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ArrayType">ArrayType Command Set (4)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ArrayType">ArrayType Command Set (4)</h2>
>>>>> 1667c1672
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 1696c1701
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_InterfaceType">InterfaceType Command Set (5)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_InterfaceType">InterfaceType Command Set (5)</h2>
>>>>> 1698c1703
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_InterfaceType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>> (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_InterfaceType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>> (1)</h3>
>>>>> 1749c1754
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Method">Method Command Set (6)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Method">Method Command Set (6)</h2>
>>>>> 1751c1756
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_LineTable">LineTable Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_LineTable">LineTable Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 1798c1803
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_VariableTable">VariableTable Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_VariableTable">VariableTable Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 1855c1860
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_Bytecodes">Bytecodes Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_Bytecodes">Bytecodes Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 1893c1898
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_IsObsolete">IsObsolete Command (4)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_IsObsolete">IsObsolete Command (4)</h3>
>>>>> 1924c1929
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_Method_VariableTableWithGeneric">VariableTableWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (5)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_Method_VariableTableWithGeneric">VariableTableWithGeneric 
>>>>> Command (5)</h3>
>>>>> 1985c1990
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Field">Field Command Set (8)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Field">Field Command Set (8)</h2>
>>>>> 1987c1992
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ObjectReference">ObjectReference Command Set (9)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ObjectReference">ObjectReference Command Set (9)</h2>
>>>>> 1989c1994
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferenceType">ReferenceType 
>>>>> Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferenceType">ReferenceType 
>>>>> Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 2017c2022
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 2060c2065
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 2094c2099
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_MonitorInfo">MonitorInfo Command 
>>>>> (5)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_MonitorInfo">MonitorInfo Command 
>>>>> (5)</h3>
>>>>> 2133c2138
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>> (6)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>> (6)</h3>
>>>>> 2187c2192
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ObjectReference_DisableCollection">DisableCollection 
>>>>> Command (7)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ObjectReference_DisableCollection">DisableCollection 
>>>>> Command (7)</h3>
>>>>> 2206c2211
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_EnableCollection">EnableCollection 
>>>>> Command (8)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_EnableCollection">EnableCollection 
>>>>> Command (8)</h3>
>>>>> 2224c2229
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_IsCollected">IsCollected Command 
>>>>> (9)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_IsCollected">IsCollected Command 
>>>>> (9)</h3>
>>>>> 2249c2254
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferringObjects">ReferringObjects 
>>>>> Command (10)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferringObjects">ReferringObjects 
>>>>> Command (10)</h3>
>>>>> 2286c2291
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StringReference">StringReference Command Set (10)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StringReference">StringReference Command Set 
>>>>> (10)</h2>
>>>>> 2288c2293
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StringReference_Value">Value Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StringReference_Value">Value Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 2314c2319
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ThreadReference">ThreadReference Command Set (11)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ThreadReference">ThreadReference Command Set 
>>>>> (11)</h2>
>>>>> 2316c2321
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 2342c2347
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Suspend">Suspend Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Suspend">Suspend Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 2362c2367
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Resume">Resume Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Resume">Resume Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 2382c2387
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Status">Status Command (4)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Status">Status Command (4)</h3>
>>>>> 2411c2416
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ThreadGroup">ThreadGroup Command 
>>>>> (5)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ThreadGroup">ThreadGroup Command 
>>>>> (5)</h3>
>>>>> 2437c2442
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Frames">Frames Command (6)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Frames">Frames Command (6)</h3>
>>>>> 2480c2485
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_FrameCount">FrameCount Command 
>>>>> (7)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_FrameCount">FrameCount Command 
>>>>> (7)</h3>
>>>>> 2506c2511
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitors">OwnedMonitors 
>>>>> Command (8)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitors">OwnedMonitors 
>>>>> Command (8)</h3>
>>>>> 2540c2545
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_CurrentContendedMonitor">CurrentContendedMonitor 
>>>>> Command (9)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_CurrentContendedMonitor">CurrentContendedMonitor 
>>>>> Command (9)</h3>
>>>>> 2567c2572
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Stop">Stop Command (10)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Stop">Stop Command (10)</h3>
>>>>> 2590c2595
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Interrupt">Interrupt Command (11)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Interrupt">Interrupt Command 
>>>>> (11)</h3>
>>>>> 2610c2615
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_SuspendCount">SuspendCount Command 
>>>>> (12)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_SuspendCount">SuspendCount Command 
>>>>> (12)</h3>
>>>>> 2636c2641
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo">OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo 
>>>>> Command (13)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo">OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo 
>>>>> Command (13)</h3>
>>>>> 2674c2679
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ForceEarlyReturn">ForceEarlyReturn 
>>>>> Command (14)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ForceEarlyReturn">ForceEarlyReturn 
>>>>> Command (14)</h3>
>>>>> 2703c2708
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference">ThreadGroupReference Command 
>>>>> Set (12)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference">ThreadGroupReference Command 
>>>>> Set (12)</h2>
>>>>> 2705c2710
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 2731c2736
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Parent">Parent Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Parent">Parent Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 2757c2762
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Children">Children Command 
>>>>> (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Children">Children Command 
>>>>> (3)</h3>
>>>>> 2800c2805
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ArrayReference">ArrayReference Command Set (13)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ArrayReference">ArrayReference Command Set (13)</h2>
>>>>> 2802c2807
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_Length">Length Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_Length">Length Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 2828c2833
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 2861c2866
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 2895c2900
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference">ClassLoaderReference Command 
>>>>> Set (14)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference">ClassLoaderReference Command 
>>>>> Set (14)</h2>
>>>>> 2897c2902
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference_VisibleClasses">VisibleClasses 
>>>>> Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference_VisibleClasses">VisibleClasses 
>>>>> Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 2934c2939
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_EventRequest">EventRequest Command Set (15)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_EventRequest">EventRequest Command Set (15)</h2>
>>>>> 2936c2941
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Set">Set Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Set">Set Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 3111c3116
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Clear">Clear Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Clear">Clear Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 3133c3138
>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>> id="JDWP_EventRequest_ClearAllBreakpoints">ClearAllBreakpoints 
>>>>> Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>> id="JDWP_EventRequest_ClearAllBreakpoints">ClearAllBreakpoints 
>>>>> Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 3145c3150
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StackFrame">StackFrame Command Set (16)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StackFrame">StackFrame Command Set (16)</h2>
>>>>> 3147c3152
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_GetValues">GetValues Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_GetValues">GetValues Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 3199c3204
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>> 3237c3242
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_ThisObject">ThisObject Command (3)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_ThisObject">ThisObject Command (3)</h3>
>>>>> 3267c3272
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_PopFrames">PopFrames Command (4)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_PopFrames">PopFrames Command (4)</h3>
>>>>> 3295c3300
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference">ClassObjectReference Command 
>>>>> Set (17)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference">ClassObjectReference Command 
>>>>> Set (17)</h2>
>>>>> 3297c3302
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference_ReflectedType">ReflectedType 
>>>>> Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference_ReflectedType">ReflectedType 
>>>>> Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 3325c3330
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ModuleReference">ModuleReference Command Set (18)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ModuleReference">ModuleReference Command Set 
>>>>> (18)</h2>
>>>>> 3327c3332
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h3>
>>>>> 3353c3358
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>> (2)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>> (2)</h3>
>>>>> 3379c3384
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Event">Event Command Set (64)</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Event">Event Command Set (64)</h2>
>>>>> 3381c3386
>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Event_Composite">Composite Command (100)</h5>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Event_Composite">Composite Command (100)</h3>
>>>>> 3769c3774
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Error">Error Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Error">Error Constants</h2>
>>>>> 3892c3897
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_EventKind">EventKind Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_EventKind">EventKind Constants</h2>
>>>>> 3947c3952
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ThreadStatus">ThreadStatus Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ThreadStatus">ThreadStatus Constants</h2>
>>>>> 3962c3967
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_SuspendStatus">SuspendStatus Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_SuspendStatus">SuspendStatus Constants</h2>
>>>>> 3969c3974
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassStatus">ClassStatus Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassStatus">ClassStatus Constants</h2>
>>>>> 3982c3987
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_TypeTag">TypeTag Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_TypeTag">TypeTag Constants</h2>
>>>>> 3993c3998
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Tag">Tag Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Tag">Tag Constants</h2>
>>>>> 4030c4035
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StepDepth">StepDepth Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StepDepth">StepDepth Constants</h2>
>>>>> 4041c4046
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StepSize">StepSize Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StepSize">StepSize Constants</h2>
>>>>> 4050c4055
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_SuspendPolicy">SuspendPolicy Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_SuspendPolicy">SuspendPolicy Constants</h2>
>>>>> 4061c4066
>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_InvokeOptions">InvokeOptions Constants</h4>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_InvokeOptions">InvokeOptions Constants</h2>
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> On 2/07/2019 11:08 am, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> On 7/1/19 14:15, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>>>> On 2/07/2019 4:57 am, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Please, review a doc issue fix for:
>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8226596
>>>>>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8226596-jdwp-a11y.1/ 
>>>>>>>>> The updated JDWP protocol page:
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/jdwp-protocol.html 
>>>>>>>>> Summary:
>>>>>>>>>    The change is to replace the 'navigation' attribute with 
>>>>>>>>> the <nav> element.
>>>>>>>> That looks fine.
>>>>>>>>>    With this fix, the Axe reports one issue only:
>>>>>>>>>      "Page must contain a level one heading".
>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what to do to workaround this.
>>>>>>>>> The page was not initially designed to have a level one heading.
>>>>>>>>> It has to be normally used in the context of enclosed page 
>>>>>>>>> which haswith a level one heading.
>>>>>>>> Not sure what you mean by an "enclosed page". Where can I see 
>>>>>>>> this in context?
>>>>>>> Sorry, I wanted to say "enclosing page".
>>>>>>> We had a private chat with David on this.
>>>>>>> The decision is to add a heading one to the page and align all 
>>>>>>> other headings with it.
>>>>>>> New webrev:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8226596-jdwp-a11y.2/ 
>>>>>>> I've updated the file:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/jdwp-protocol.html 
>>>>>>> The Axe does not report errors anymore.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>>>> Testing:
>>>>>>>>>    Verified with the Axe plugin (add-on) for Mozilla Firefox 
>>>>>>>>> browser.
>>>>>>>>>    Asked Alex M. to double-check this, and his Axe reported no 
>>>>>>>>> errors.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Serguei

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