(13) RFR(XS): 8226596: Accessibility errors in jdwp-protocol.html

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Jul 3 05:12:24 UTC 2019

On 3/07/2019 2:27 pm, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> On 7/2/19 8:57 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 2/07/2019 7:53 pm, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>> On 7/2/19 01:06, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>> On 2/07/2019 6:01 pm, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>> On 2/07/2019 12:32 pm, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>> On 7/1/19 19:03, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>>> The updates to the heading levels all looks fine.
>>>>>> Okay, thanks!
>>>>>>> However the tables in the generated output look broken - they all 
>>>>>>> have empty "header" rows with incorrect columns and no text. ??
>>>>>> I'm not sure about this.
>>>>>> What exact tables?
>>>>> I need to send you a picture :) It will get stripped from the list 
>>>>> but you should get it.
>>>>> Need to find an existing online version of that document to compare.
>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/specs/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html
>>>> Has the same problem. Should be fixed but separate issue.
>>> Could you, please, file the bug?
>>> I'm not sure what tables you are talking about.
>> Most of the tables in the document - as per the image attachment I 
>> sent you. 
> Got it now, thanks!
>  > I need to send you a picture
>  > It will get stripped from the list but you should get it.
> I've not understoud from the above that there is an attachment with the 
> picture.
> I thought, you are going to send some picture in the following email 
> message. :)
>> The code is generating an empty header row with more columns than the 
>> table rows that follow. Here's the broken html that gets generated:
>> <dt>Reply Data
>> <dd><table><tr>
>> <th style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 4%"><th 
>> style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 4%"><th style="width: 15%"><th 
>> style="width: 65%">
>> <tr>
>> Looks like its been doing this for years.
> Okay, I see what you mean.
> I always thought it is such a design of the tables.
> At least, it looks pretty. :)
> Otherwise, what would it be a purpose for these five 4% column headers?
> Yes, they can be replaced with just one 20% column header.
> Do you think, we really want to fix this?
> But I agree, this looks strange anyway.

It's a minor nit in terms of the document, but does make me wonder 
whether something else was supposed to be being produced ... oh darn I'm 
going to have to go look at the code now ...

Okay this isn't a bug its a feature. The strange header row is used to 
set up a way to indent "structures" in the rows that follows. The 
maxIndent is 5 hence 5 columns. It doesn't quite seem to be used to that 
level of indent but I'm not going to worry too much about that.


>>> So, I guess, you give me a thumbs up for this fix. :)
>> Yes.
> Thanks a lot!
> I've already pushed the fix.
> Thanks,
> Serguei
>> Cheers,
>> David
>>> Thanks!
>>> Serguei
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> David
>>>>> David
>>>>> -----
>>>>>> I do not see anything like this.
>>>>>> Please, see the diff below:
>>>>>> % diff 0/jdwp-protocol.html 1/jdwp-protocol.html
>>>>>> 13c13,17
>>>>>> < <ul role="navigation">
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <div class="centered" role="banner">
>>>>>>  > <h1 id="Protocol Details">Java Debug Wire Protocol Details</h1>
>>>>>>  > </div>
>>>>>>  > <nav>
>>>>>>  > <ul>
>>>>>> 171a176
>>>>>>  > </nav>
>>>>>> 173c178
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine">VirtualMachine Command Set (1)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine">VirtualMachine Command Set (1)</h2>
>>>>>> 175c180
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Version">Version Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Version">Version Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 205c210
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassesBySignature">ClassesBySignature 
>>>>>> Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassesBySignature">ClassesBySignature 
>>>>>> Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 244c249
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClasses">AllClasses Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClasses">AllClasses Command 
>>>>>> (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 281c286
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllThreads">AllThreads Command (4)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllThreads">AllThreads Command 
>>>>>> (4)</h3>
>>>>>> 306c311
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_TopLevelThreadGroups">TopLevelThreadGroups 
>>>>>> Command (5)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_TopLevelThreadGroups">TopLevelThreadGroups 
>>>>>> Command (5)</h3>
>>>>>> 331c336
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Dispose">Dispose Command (6)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Dispose">Dispose Command (6)</h3>
>>>>>> 341c346
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_IDSizes">IDSizes Command (7)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_IDSizes">IDSizes Command (7)</h3>
>>>>>> 371c376
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Suspend">Suspend Command (8)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Suspend">Suspend Command (8)</h3>
>>>>>> 383c388
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Resume">Resume Command (9)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Resume">Resume Command (9)</h3>
>>>>>> 393c398
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Exit">Exit Command (10)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Exit">Exit Command (10)</h3>
>>>>>> 409c414
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CreateString">CreateString Command 
>>>>>> (11)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CreateString">CreateString Command 
>>>>>> (11)</h3>
>>>>>> 433c438
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Capabilities">Capabilities Command 
>>>>>> (12)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_Capabilities">Capabilities Command 
>>>>>> (12)</h3>
>>>>>> 469c474
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassPaths">ClassPaths Command 
>>>>>> (13)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ClassPaths">ClassPaths Command 
>>>>>> (13)</h3>
>>>>>> 507c512
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_DisposeObjects">DisposeObjects 
>>>>>> Command (14)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_DisposeObjects">DisposeObjects 
>>>>>> Command (14)</h3>
>>>>>> 534c539
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_HoldEvents">HoldEvents Command 
>>>>>> (15)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_HoldEvents">HoldEvents Command 
>>>>>> (15)</h3>
>>>>>> 544c549
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ReleaseEvents">ReleaseEvents Command 
>>>>>> (16)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_ReleaseEvents">ReleaseEvents 
>>>>>> Command (16)</h3>
>>>>>> 554c559
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CapabilitiesNew">CapabilitiesNew 
>>>>>> Command (17)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_CapabilitiesNew">CapabilitiesNew 
>>>>>> Command (17)</h3>
>>>>>> 665c670
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_RedefineClasses">RedefineClasses 
>>>>>> Command (18)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_RedefineClasses">RedefineClasses 
>>>>>> Command (18)</h3>
>>>>>> 717c722
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_SetDefaultStratum">SetDefaultStratum 
>>>>>> Command (19)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_SetDefaultStratum">SetDefaultStratum 
>>>>>> Command (19)</h3>
>>>>>> 736c741
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClassesWithGeneric">AllClassesWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (20)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllClassesWithGeneric">AllClassesWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (20)</h3>
>>>>>> 777c782
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_InstanceCounts">InstanceCounts 
>>>>>> Command (21)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_InstanceCounts">InstanceCounts 
>>>>>> Command (21)</h3>
>>>>>> 817c822
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllModules">AllModules Command 
>>>>>> (22)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllModules">AllModules Command 
>>>>>> (22)</h3>
>>>>>> 843c848
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ReferenceType">ReferenceType Command Set (2)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ReferenceType">ReferenceType Command Set (2)</h2>
>>>>>> 845c850
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Signature">Signature Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Signature">Signature Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 871c876
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>>> (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>>> (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 897c902
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Modifiers">Modifiers Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Modifiers">Modifiers Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 923c928
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Fields">Fields Command (4)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Fields">Fields Command (4)</h3>
>>>>>> 969c974
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Methods">Methods Command (5)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Methods">Methods Command (5)</h3>
>>>>>> 1015c1020
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_GetValues">GetValues Command (6)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_GetValues">GetValues Command (6)</h3>
>>>>>> 1059c1064
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceFile">SourceFile Command (7)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceFile">SourceFile Command (7)</h3>
>>>>>> 1086c1091
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_NestedTypes">NestedTypes Command 
>>>>>> (8)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_NestedTypes">NestedTypes Command 
>>>>>> (8)</h3>
>>>>>> 1123c1128
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Status">Status Command (9)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Status">Status Command (9)</h3>
>>>>>> 1149c1154
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Interfaces">Interfaces Command (10)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Interfaces">Interfaces Command 
>>>>>> (10)</h3>
>>>>>> 1182c1187
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassObject">ClassObject Command 
>>>>>> (11)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassObject">ClassObject Command 
>>>>>> (11)</h3>
>>>>>> 1208c1213
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceDebugExtension">SourceDebugExtension 
>>>>>> Command (12)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SourceDebugExtension">SourceDebugExtension 
>>>>>> Command (12)</h3>
>>>>>> 1236c1241
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SignatureWithGeneric">SignatureWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (13)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_SignatureWithGeneric">SignatureWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (13)</h3>
>>>>>> 1265c1270
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_FieldsWithGeneric">FieldsWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (14)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_FieldsWithGeneric">FieldsWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (14)</h3>
>>>>>> 1315c1320
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_MethodsWithGeneric">MethodsWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (15)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ReferenceType_MethodsWithGeneric">MethodsWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (15)</h3>
>>>>>> 1365c1370
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Instances">Instances Command (16)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Instances">Instances Command (16)</h3>
>>>>>> 1403c1408
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassFileVersion">ClassFileVersion 
>>>>>> Command (17)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ClassFileVersion">ClassFileVersion 
>>>>>> Command (17)</h3>
>>>>>> 1433c1438
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ConstantPool">ConstantPool Command 
>>>>>> (18)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_ConstantPool">ConstantPool Command 
>>>>>> (18)</h3>
>>>>>> 1471c1476
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Module">Module Command (19)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ReferenceType_Module">Module Command (19)</h3>
>>>>>> 1498c1503
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassType">ClassType Command Set (3)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassType">ClassType Command Set (3)</h2>
>>>>>> 1500c1505
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_Superclass">Superclass Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_Superclass">Superclass Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 1526c1531
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 1562c1567
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 1613c1618
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (4)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (4)</h3>
>>>>>> 1665c1670
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ArrayType">ArrayType Command Set (4)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ArrayType">ArrayType Command Set (4)</h2>
>>>>>> 1667c1672
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayType_NewInstance">NewInstance Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 1696c1701
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_InterfaceType">InterfaceType Command Set (5)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_InterfaceType">InterfaceType Command Set (5)</h2>
>>>>>> 1698c1703
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_InterfaceType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>>> (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_InterfaceType_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>>> (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 1749c1754
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Method">Method Command Set (6)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Method">Method Command Set (6)</h2>
>>>>>> 1751c1756
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_LineTable">LineTable Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_LineTable">LineTable Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 1798c1803
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_VariableTable">VariableTable Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_VariableTable">VariableTable Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 1855c1860
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_Bytecodes">Bytecodes Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_Bytecodes">Bytecodes Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 1893c1898
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Method_IsObsolete">IsObsolete Command (4)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Method_IsObsolete">IsObsolete Command (4)</h3>
>>>>>> 1924c1929
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_Method_VariableTableWithGeneric">VariableTableWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (5)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_Method_VariableTableWithGeneric">VariableTableWithGeneric 
>>>>>> Command (5)</h3>
>>>>>> 1985c1990
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Field">Field Command Set (8)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Field">Field Command Set (8)</h2>
>>>>>> 1987c1992
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ObjectReference">ObjectReference Command Set (9)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ObjectReference">ObjectReference Command Set (9)</h2>
>>>>>> 1989c1994
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferenceType">ReferenceType 
>>>>>> Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferenceType">ReferenceType 
>>>>>> Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 2017c2022
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 2060c2065
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 2094c2099
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_MonitorInfo">MonitorInfo Command 
>>>>>> (5)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_MonitorInfo">MonitorInfo Command 
>>>>>> (5)</h3>
>>>>>> 2133c2138
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>>> (6)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_InvokeMethod">InvokeMethod Command 
>>>>>> (6)</h3>
>>>>>> 2187c2192
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ObjectReference_DisableCollection">DisableCollection 
>>>>>> Command (7)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ObjectReference_DisableCollection">DisableCollection 
>>>>>> Command (7)</h3>
>>>>>> 2206c2211
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_EnableCollection">EnableCollection 
>>>>>> Command (8)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_EnableCollection">EnableCollection 
>>>>>> Command (8)</h3>
>>>>>> 2224c2229
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_IsCollected">IsCollected Command 
>>>>>> (9)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_IsCollected">IsCollected Command 
>>>>>> (9)</h3>
>>>>>> 2249c2254
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferringObjects">ReferringObjects 
>>>>>> Command (10)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferringObjects">ReferringObjects 
>>>>>> Command (10)</h3>
>>>>>> 2286c2291
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StringReference">StringReference Command Set (10)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StringReference">StringReference Command Set 
>>>>>> (10)</h2>
>>>>>> 2288c2293
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StringReference_Value">Value Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StringReference_Value">Value Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 2314c2319
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ThreadReference">ThreadReference Command Set (11)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ThreadReference">ThreadReference Command Set 
>>>>>> (11)</h2>
>>>>>> 2316c2321
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 2342c2347
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Suspend">Suspend Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Suspend">Suspend Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 2362c2367
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Resume">Resume Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Resume">Resume Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 2382c2387
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Status">Status Command (4)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Status">Status Command (4)</h3>
>>>>>> 2411c2416
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ThreadGroup">ThreadGroup Command 
>>>>>> (5)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ThreadGroup">ThreadGroup Command 
>>>>>> (5)</h3>
>>>>>> 2437c2442
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Frames">Frames Command (6)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Frames">Frames Command (6)</h3>
>>>>>> 2480c2485
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_FrameCount">FrameCount Command 
>>>>>> (7)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_FrameCount">FrameCount Command 
>>>>>> (7)</h3>
>>>>>> 2506c2511
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitors">OwnedMonitors 
>>>>>> Command (8)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitors">OwnedMonitors 
>>>>>> Command (8)</h3>
>>>>>> 2540c2545
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_CurrentContendedMonitor">CurrentContendedMonitor 
>>>>>> Command (9)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_CurrentContendedMonitor">CurrentContendedMonitor 
>>>>>> Command (9)</h3>
>>>>>> 2567c2572
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Stop">Stop Command (10)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Stop">Stop Command (10)</h3>
>>>>>> 2590c2595
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Interrupt">Interrupt Command (11)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_Interrupt">Interrupt Command 
>>>>>> (11)</h3>
>>>>>> 2610c2615
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_SuspendCount">SuspendCount Command 
>>>>>> (12)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_SuspendCount">SuspendCount Command 
>>>>>> (12)</h3>
>>>>>> 2636c2641
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo">OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo 
>>>>>> Command (13)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ThreadReference_OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo">OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo 
>>>>>> Command (13)</h3>
>>>>>> 2674c2679
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ForceEarlyReturn">ForceEarlyReturn 
>>>>>> Command (14)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadReference_ForceEarlyReturn">ForceEarlyReturn 
>>>>>> Command (14)</h3>
>>>>>> 2703c2708
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference">ThreadGroupReference Command 
>>>>>> Set (12)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference">ThreadGroupReference Command 
>>>>>> Set (12)</h2>
>>>>>> 2705c2710
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 2731c2736
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Parent">Parent Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Parent">Parent Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 2757c2762
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Children">Children Command 
>>>>>> (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ThreadGroupReference_Children">Children Command 
>>>>>> (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 2800c2805
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ArrayReference">ArrayReference Command Set (13)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ArrayReference">ArrayReference Command Set (13)</h2>
>>>>>> 2802c2807
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_Length">Length Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_Length">Length Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 2828c2833
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_GetValues">GetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 2861c2866
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ArrayReference_SetValues">SetValues Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 2895c2900
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference">ClassLoaderReference Command 
>>>>>> Set (14)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference">ClassLoaderReference Command 
>>>>>> Set (14)</h2>
>>>>>> 2897c2902
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference_VisibleClasses">VisibleClasses 
>>>>>> Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_ClassLoaderReference_VisibleClasses">VisibleClasses 
>>>>>> Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 2934c2939
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_EventRequest">EventRequest Command Set (15)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_EventRequest">EventRequest Command Set (15)</h2>
>>>>>> 2936c2941
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Set">Set Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Set">Set Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 3111c3116
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Clear">Clear Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_EventRequest_Clear">Clear Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 3133c3138
>>>>>> < <h5 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_EventRequest_ClearAllBreakpoints">ClearAllBreakpoints 
>>>>>> Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 
>>>>>> id="JDWP_EventRequest_ClearAllBreakpoints">ClearAllBreakpoints 
>>>>>> Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 3145c3150
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StackFrame">StackFrame Command Set (16)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StackFrame">StackFrame Command Set (16)</h2>
>>>>>> 3147c3152
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_GetValues">GetValues Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_GetValues">GetValues Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 3199c3204
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_SetValues">SetValues Command (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 3237c3242
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_ThisObject">ThisObject Command (3)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_ThisObject">ThisObject Command (3)</h3>
>>>>>> 3267c3272
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_StackFrame_PopFrames">PopFrames Command (4)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_StackFrame_PopFrames">PopFrames Command (4)</h3>
>>>>>> 3295c3300
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference">ClassObjectReference Command 
>>>>>> Set (17)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference">ClassObjectReference Command 
>>>>>> Set (17)</h2>
>>>>>> 3297c3302
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference_ReflectedType">ReflectedType 
>>>>>> Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ClassObjectReference_ReflectedType">ReflectedType 
>>>>>> Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 3325c3330
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ModuleReference">ModuleReference Command Set (18)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ModuleReference">ModuleReference Command Set 
>>>>>> (18)</h2>
>>>>>> 3327c3332
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_Name">Name Command (1)</h3>
>>>>>> 3353c3358
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>>> (2)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_ModuleReference_ClassLoader">ClassLoader Command 
>>>>>> (2)</h3>
>>>>>> 3379c3384
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Event">Event Command Set (64)</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Event">Event Command Set (64)</h2>
>>>>>> 3381c3386
>>>>>> < <h5 id="JDWP_Event_Composite">Composite Command (100)</h5>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h3 id="JDWP_Event_Composite">Composite Command (100)</h3>
>>>>>> 3769c3774
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Error">Error Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Error">Error Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 3892c3897
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_EventKind">EventKind Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_EventKind">EventKind Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 3947c3952
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ThreadStatus">ThreadStatus Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ThreadStatus">ThreadStatus Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 3962c3967
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_SuspendStatus">SuspendStatus Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_SuspendStatus">SuspendStatus Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 3969c3974
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_ClassStatus">ClassStatus Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_ClassStatus">ClassStatus Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 3982c3987
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_TypeTag">TypeTag Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_TypeTag">TypeTag Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 3993c3998
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_Tag">Tag Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_Tag">Tag Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 4030c4035
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StepDepth">StepDepth Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StepDepth">StepDepth Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 4041c4046
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_StepSize">StepSize Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_StepSize">StepSize Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 4050c4055
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_SuspendPolicy">SuspendPolicy Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_SuspendPolicy">SuspendPolicy Constants</h2>
>>>>>> 4061c4066
>>>>>> < <h4 id="JDWP_InvokeOptions">InvokeOptions Constants</h4>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  > <h2 id="JDWP_InvokeOptions">InvokeOptions Constants</h2>
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>> On 2/07/2019 11:08 am, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>> On 7/1/19 14:15, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Serguei,
>>>>>>>>> On 2/07/2019 4:57 am, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Please, review a doc issue fix for:
>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8226596
>>>>>>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8226596-jdwp-a11y.1/ 
>>>>>>>>>> The updated JDWP protocol page:
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/jdwp-protocol.html 
>>>>>>>>>> Summary:
>>>>>>>>>>    The change is to replace the 'navigation' attribute with 
>>>>>>>>>> the <nav> element.
>>>>>>>>> That looks fine.
>>>>>>>>>>    With this fix, the Axe reports one issue only:
>>>>>>>>>>      "Page must contain a level one heading".
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what to do to workaround this.
>>>>>>>>>> The page was not initially designed to have a level one heading.
>>>>>>>>>> It has to be normally used in the context of enclosed page 
>>>>>>>>>> which haswith a level one heading.
>>>>>>>>> Not sure what you mean by an "enclosed page". Where can I see 
>>>>>>>>> this in context?
>>>>>>>> Sorry, I wanted to say "enclosing page".
>>>>>>>> We had a private chat with David on this.
>>>>>>>> The decision is to add a heading one to the page and align all 
>>>>>>>> other headings with it.
>>>>>>>> New webrev:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/8226596-jdwp-a11y.2/ 
>>>>>>>> I've updated the file:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2019/jdwp-protocol.html 
>>>>>>>> The Axe does not report errors anymore.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Serguei
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>>>>> Testing:
>>>>>>>>>>    Verified with the Axe plugin (add-on) for Mozilla Firefox 
>>>>>>>>>> browser.
>>>>>>>>>>    Asked Alex M. to double-check this, and his Axe reported no 
>>>>>>>>>> errors.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Serguei

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