RFR 8228589: BasicJStackTest.java and JcmdOutputEncodingTest.java failing after JDK-8227868

Schmelter, Ralf ralf.schmelter at sap.com
Thu Jul 25 15:21:23 UTC 2019

Hi Severin,

> I wasn't suggesting to remove the marker. What I meant was to keep the
> marker at pre-JDK-8227868 state and use a marker with UTF-8 chars for a
> "testJstackUTF8Output()" test.

There was no marker pre-JDK-8227868. The test only checked for the exit value.

> +1 to reducing the length as long as it continues to reproduce the
> problem of JDK-8227868 and JDK-8222491.

The original code used a byte array of 256 bytes. For this it is enough to
make sure the UTF-8 bytes are > 256 and a character cannot start at
x and x + 256 (it cannot, since the UTF-8 chars repeat every 5 bytes).
So a repeat value of 60 should be safe.

Best regards,

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