RFR (S) 8224796: C code is not compiled correctly due to undefined "i386"

Aleksey Shipilev shade at redhat.com
Mon May 27 17:05:39 UTC 2019

On 5/27/19 1:21 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> I think the existing logic in that file is already quite confused. It should be using defines set by
> the build system only, to identify CPU etc, not compiler specific defines. So I really don't think
> we need to keep the i386 stuff in that file as it just adds to the confusion. But I won't fight you
> on it.

Yeah, I was on the fence here too, but don't want to risk more regressions. The "ifs" were rewritten
i586 to get the "proper" macro, and the i386 fallback block is just for additional safety.

>> I have not seen the failures on Mac due to ps_core.c, but it is better to be safe there as well.
> There is no 32-bit macOS build AFAIK.

I don't quite understand the comment here: do you suggest to remove that block, or? I am leaning on
capturing i586 everywhere i386 was captured before.


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