RFR: 8303921: serviceability/sa/UniqueVtableTest.java timed out [v2]

David Holmes dholmes at openjdk.org
Thu Mar 16 07:02:23 UTC 2023

On Wed, 15 Mar 2023 20:02:11 GMT, Alex Menkov <amenkov at openjdk.org> wrote:

> It seems to me that it's much simpler to remove build action from 4 tests in the directory than add it for other 55

True. Sadly we keep getting bitten over and over by CODETOOLS-7902847. Sometimes the "fix" is to remove build directives (in Hotspot we switched from adding to removing back in 2017) and sometimes it is to add them (there have been some recent fixes that have done this - including by me).


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13030

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