RFO: a tool to analyze HotSpot fatal error logs

Brice Dutheil brice.dutheil at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 11:13:50 UTC 2024

I would find this tool particularly useful. I came across various
`hs_err_pid` files, while one can read them this can speed analyzing up

Even for simple cases, like a bug in the FFM API usage (it's still possible
to dereference a bad address).

Looking forward to this plugin !

Thanks for proposing the idea.
-- Brice

On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 5:35 PM Laurence Cable <larry.cable at oracle.com>

> Hi Maxim, a great idea, the JDK serviceability team here at Oracle would
> like to assist you in any way we can.
> I think also we should (in the future) consider the format of the error
> file and associated jcmd and perhaps render the content
> in a format that is better suited to programmatic parsing even a
> jq-esque formatter that took the human-readable format and
> re-formatted would be useful (IMO)
> Rgds
> - Larry Cable
> On 4/11/24 7:05 AM, Maxim Kartashev wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am writing to inquire about the potential interest of the people
> > involved in inspecting HotSpot crashes in a tool aimed at facilitating
> > that inspection.
> >
> > We at JetBrains have developed an internal plugin that helps both with
> > filtering through dozens of reports quickly in order to find a pattern
> > and for diving deep into a particular crash. In addition to the
> > "standard" features such as syntax highlighting, folding, and
> > structural navigation, it will
> > * highlight potential problems such as overloaded CPU, low physical
> > memory, the presence of OOME in the recent exceptions, LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> > being set, etc,
> > * generate an "executive summary" for a high-level overview, for
> > example, by front-line support,
> > * pop up a tooltip for any recognized address describing its origin
> > (for example, if it belongs to some thread's stack, the Java heap, a
> > register, or a memory-mapped region),
> > * provide the ability to highlight all addresses "near" the selected
> > address, including registers, threads, and memory-mapped regions.
> >
> > If there is sufficient interest in creating a public and/or
> > open-source variant of this internal plugin, I will pitch the idea to
> > my employer. It shouldn't be too much work to create a public version.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Maxim.
> >
> > References:
> > * https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/troubleshoot/fatal-error-log.htm
> >
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