April 2024 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Apr 1 00:22:31 UTC 2024
Ending: Tue Apr 30 23:48:02 UTC 2024
Messages: 470
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes
Fei Yang
- RFR: 8328273: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiRegistrySslTest.java failed with java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8328665: serviceability/jvmti/vthread/PopFrameTest failed with a timeout [v7]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8328665: serviceability/jvmti/vthread/PopFrameTest failed with a timeout [v6]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8328665: serviceability/jvmti/vthread/PopFrameTest failed with a timeout [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes
Amit Kumar
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8328665: serviceability/jvmti/vthread/PopFrameTest failed with a timeout [v7]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8328665: serviceability/jvmti/vthread/PopFrameTest failed with a timeout [v7]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8328273: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiRegistrySslTest.java failed with java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329425: ProblemList containers/docker/TestJFREvents.java on linux-x64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8329425: ProblemList containers/docker/TestJFREvents.java on linux-x64
David Holmes
- RFR: 8329425: ProblemList containers/docker/TestJFREvents.java on linux-x64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Integrated: 8329425: ProblemList containers/docker/TestJFREvents.java on linux-x64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass
Alex Menkov
- Integrated: 8328665: serviceability/jvmti/vthread/PopFrameTest failed with a timeout
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8328273: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiRegistrySslTest.java failed with java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use
Jaikiran Pai
- Integrated: 8328273: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiRegistrySslTest.java failed with java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v11]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8329103: assert(!thread->in_asgct()) failed during multi-mode profiling [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread
Yi Yang
- Integrated: 8329103: assert(!thread->in_asgct()) failed during multi-mode profiling
Andrei Pangin
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v9]
Andrew Dinn
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: JDK-8327474 Review use of java.io.tmpdir in jdk tests [v4]
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: JDK-8327474 Review use of java.io.tmpdir in jdk tests [v4]
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags
Ioi Lam
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v2]
Ioi Lam
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: JDK-8327474 Review use of java.io.tmpdir in jdk tests [v5]
Bill Huang
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8328137: PreserveAllAnnotations can cause failure of class retransformation
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v3]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v4]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v4]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v4]
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8328137: PreserveAllAnnotations can cause failure of class retransformation
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v4]
Ioi Lam
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake
Patricio Chilano Mateo
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake
Patricio Chilano Mateo
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: JDK-8328137: PreserveAllAnnotations can cause failure of class retransformation
Alex Menkov
- Integrated: JDK-8328137: PreserveAllAnnotations can cause failure of class retransformation
Alex Menkov
- RFR: JDK-8327474 Review use of java.io.tmpdir in jdk tests [v5]
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Ivanov
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: JDK-8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread [v2]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags [v4]
Coleen Phillimore
- Integrated: 8236736: Change notproduct JVM flags to develop flags
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Christoph Langer
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- Integrated: JDK-8327474 Review use of java.io.tmpdir in jdk tests
Bill Huang
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread [v2]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v2]
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v3]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v3]
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v4]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v3]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Axel Boldt-Christmas
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v12]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal
Roman Kennke
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Roman Kennke
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Roman Kennke
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v13]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v11]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v9]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8326666: Remove the Java Management Extension (JMX) Subject Delegation feature [v16]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass [v4]
Coleen Phillimore
- Integrated: 8313332: Simplify lazy jmethodID cache in InstanceKlass
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- Integrated: 8326666: Remove the Java Management Extension (JMX) Subject Delegation feature
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v4]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- Integrated: 8329332: Remove CompiledMethod and CodeBlobLayout classes
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v13]
Serguei Spitsyn
- Integrated: JDK-8322042: HeapDumper should perform merge on the current thread instead of VMThread
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- Integrated: 8329655: Cleanup KlassObj and klassOop names after the PermGen removal
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Sandra Payne
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: 8329629: GC interfaces should work directly against nmethod instead of CodeBlob
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Sandra Payne
- RFR: 8329774 Break long lines in jdk/src/jdk.hotspot.agent/doc /transported_core.html
Ludvig Janiuk
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Christoph Langer
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: 8329629: GC interfaces should work directly against nmethod instead of CodeBlob
Albert Mingkun Yang
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v9]
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v9]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v13]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v14]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v15]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v15]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329629: GC interfaces should work directly against nmethod instead of CodeBlob
Erik Österlund
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8323640: [TESTBUG]testMemoryFailCount in jdk/internal/platform/docker/TestDockerMemoryMetrics.java always fail because OOM killed [v3]
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v15]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8329629: GC interfaces should work directly against nmethod instead of CodeBlob [v2]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329629: GC interfaces should work directly against nmethod instead of CodeBlob
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8188784: javax/management/notification/BroadcasterSupportDeadlockTest.java - TEST FAILED: deadlock
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v15]
Kevin Walls
- Integrated: 8329629: GC interfaces should work directly against nmethod instead of CodeBlob
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329774 Break long lines in jdk/src/jdk.hotspot.agent/doc /transported_core.html
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8327645: Serial heap dump should not consume double amount of disk space [v3]
Man Cao
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: JDK-8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening"
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v15]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: JDK-8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening"
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8188784: javax/management/notification/BroadcasterSupportDeadlockTest.java - TEST FAILED: deadlock
Chris Plummer
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v3]
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: JDK-8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: JDK-8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: JDK-8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: JDK-8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- Integrated: 8329432: PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturn functions should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- Integrated: 8329491: GetThreadListStackTraces function should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329774: Break long lines in jdk/src/jdk.hotspot.agent/doc /transported_core.html [v2]
Ludvig Janiuk
- RFR: 8329774: Break long lines in jdk/src/jdk.hotspot.agent/doc /transported_core.html
Ludvig Janiuk
- RFR: 8329774: Break long lines in jdk/src/jdk.hotspot.agent/doc /transported_core.html [v2]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container
Severin Gehwolf
- Integrated: 8329774: Break long lines in jdk/src/jdk.hotspot.agent/doc /transported_core.html
Ludvig Janiuk
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- Fwd: RFO: a tool to analyze HotSpot fatal error logs
Laurence Cable
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Patricio Chilano Mateo
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v2]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X swtich implementation
Sergey Nazarkin
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X swtich implementation
Vladimir Kempik
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Vladimir Kempik
- RFO: a tool to analyze HotSpot fatal error logs
Laurence Cable
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v3]
Patricio Chilano Mateo
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v2]
Patricio Chilano Mateo
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Sergey Nazarkin
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v2]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v3]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening" [v3]
Chris Plummer
- Integrated: 8240343: JDI stopListening/stoplis001 "FAILED: listening is successfully stopped without starting listening"
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- Integrated: 8329674: JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location function should use JvmtiHandshake
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8330131: Problemlist serviceability/jvmti/vthread/GetThreadStateMountedTest/GetThreadStateMountedTest.java
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8330131: Problemlist serviceability/jvmti/vthread/GetThreadStateMountedTest/GetThreadStateMountedTest.java
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Integrated: 8330131: Problemlist serviceability/jvmti/vthread/GetThreadStateMountedTest/GetThreadStateMountedTest.java
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Sergey Nazarkin
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8188784: javax/management/notification/BroadcasterSupportDeadlockTest.java - TEST FAILED: deadlock
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v3]
Yi Yang
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v3]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8188784: javax/management/notification/BroadcasterSupportDeadlockTest.java - TEST FAILED: deadlock [v2]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8188784: javax/management/notification/BroadcasterSupportDeadlockTest.java - TEST FAILED: deadlock [v2]
Kevin Walls
- Integrated: 8188784: javax/management/notification/BroadcasterSupportDeadlockTest.java - TEST FAILED: deadlock
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8188784: javax/management/notification/BroadcasterSupportDeadlockTest.java - TEST FAILED: deadlock [v2]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Jan Kratochvil
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v5]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v2]
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8318026: jcmd should provide access to detailed JVM object information [v16]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v4]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v6]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Jan Kratochvil
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v3]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v3]
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v6]
Cesar Soares Lucas
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v6]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Matias Saavedra Silva
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v3]
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8330534: Update nsk/jdwp tests to use driver instead of othervm
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v4]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v5]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v3]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v7]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Dean Long
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Dean Long
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Dean Long
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v8]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v7]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v7]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v8]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Gilles Duboscq
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Jan Kratochvil
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v8]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Matias Saavedra Silva
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Matias Saavedra Silva
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding [v2]
Matias Saavedra Silva
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding [v2]
Matias Saavedra Silva
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Laurence Cable
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Laurence Cable
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v4]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v5]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v6]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8320215: HeapDumper can use DumpWriter buffer during merge
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Richard Reingruber
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container [v2]
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v8]
Igor Veresov
- RFR: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size [v8]
Vladimir Kozlov
- Integrated: 8329433: Reduce nmethod header size
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion'
Lei Zaakjyu
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion'
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion'
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion' [v2]
Lei Zaakjyu
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion' [v3]
Lei Zaakjyu
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion' [v3]
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8330534: Update nsk/jdwp tests to use driver instead of othervm
Andrey Turbanov
- RFR: 8261242: [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container
Jan Kratochvil
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace
Albert Mingkun Yang
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread
David Holmes
- RFR: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread
David Holmes
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Sergey Nazarkin
- RFR: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8330988: Implementation of 8288293: Windows/gcc Port for hsdis
Julian Waters
- RFR: 8330988: Implementation of 8288293: Windows/gcc Port for hsdis
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8330988: Implementation of 8288293: Windows/gcc Port for hsdis
Julian Waters
- RFR: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Matias Saavedra Silva
- Integrated: 8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Matias Saavedra Silva
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace [v2]
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace [v3]
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace [v3]
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Patricio Chilano Mateo
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v7]
Jonathan Gibbons
- Integrated: 8329113: Deprecate -XX:+UseNotificationThread
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v4]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v5]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v5]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed [v3]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330171: Lazy W^X switch implementation
Stuart Monteith
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace [v3]
Albert Mingkun Yang
- RFR: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner [v5]
Serguei Spitsyn
- Integrated: 8328741: serviceability/jvmti/ObjectMonitorUsage/ObjectMonitorUsage.java failed with unexpected owner
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330988: Implementation of 8288293: Windows/gcc Port for hsdis
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFO: a tool to analyze HotSpot fatal error logs
Brice Dutheil
- RFR: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace [v3]
Guoxiong Li
- Integrated: 8330155: Serial: Remove TenuredSpace
Guoxiong Li
- Integrated: 8330303: Crash: assert(_target_jt == nullptr || _target_jt->vthread() == target_h()) failed
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: 8327769: jcmd GC.heap_dump without options should write to location given by -XX:HeapDumpPath, if set [v10]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v8]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v9]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v9]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v10]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments [v10]
Phil Race
- Integrated: 8303689: javac -Xlint could/should report on "dangling" doc comments
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8330852: All callers of JvmtiEnvBase::get_threadOop_and_JavaThread should pass current thread explicitly
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330852: All callers of JvmtiEnvBase::get_threadOop_and_JavaThread should pass current thread explicitly
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330852: All callers of JvmtiEnvBase::get_threadOop_and_JavaThread should pass current thread explicitly
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Dean Long
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Dean Long
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Dean Long
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Dean Long
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion' [v4]
Lei Zaakjyu
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Dean Long
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Doug Simon
- 8327114: Attach in Linux may have wrong behaviour when pid == ns_pid (Kubernetes debug container)
Sebastian Lövdahl
- RFR: 8226919: attach in linux hangs due to permission denied accessing /proc/pid/root
Sebastian Lövdahl
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache [v2]
Tobias Hartmann
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Dean Long
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache [v2]
Dean Long
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion' [v4]
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache [v2]
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8318682: SA decoding of scalar replaced objects is broken [v6]
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache [v2]
Vladimir Kozlov
- Integrated: 8331087: Move immutable nmethod data from CodeCache
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion' [v4]
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330852: All callers of JvmtiEnvBase::get_threadOop_and_JavaThread should pass current thread explicitly
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330852: All callers of JvmtiEnvBase::get_threadOop_and_JavaThread should pass current thread explicitly
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v5]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v5]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8320215: HeapDumper can use DumpWriter buffer during merge
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8330694: Rename 'HeapRegion' to 'G1HeapRegion' [v4]
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8308033: The jcmd thread dump related tests should test virtual threads
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8308033: The jcmd thread dump related tests should test virtual threads
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8308033: The jcmd thread dump related tests should test virtual threads [v2]
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8308033: The jcmd thread dump related tests should test virtual threads [v2]
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8318682: SA decoding of scalar replaced objects is broken [v7]
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR: 8318682: SA decoding of scalar replaced objects is broken [v6]
Tom Rodriguez
- Integrated: 8318682: SA decoding of scalar replaced objects is broken
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR: 8322043: HeapDumper should use parallel dump by default [v6]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330969: scalability issue with loaded JVMTI agent [v3]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8330852: All callers of JvmtiEnvBase::get_threadOop_and_JavaThread should pass current thread explicitly [v2]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8330852: All callers of JvmtiEnvBase::get_threadOop_and_JavaThread should pass current thread explicitly [v3]
Alex Menkov
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 23:48:02 UTC 2024
Archived on: Tue Apr 30 23:48:26 UTC 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).