Converting existing package.html files to

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed May 15 08:19:11 UTC 2024

On 15/05/2024 09:16, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2024-05-15 02:13, Nizar Benalla wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I discovered after some recent work around javadoc that `javac` does 
>> not recognize `package.html` files, which predate 
>> ``. Some tools that want to analyze doc comments 
>> need to deal with this in special ways.
>> Maybe optional support for these files can be added into `javac`. But 
>> with only 21 `package.html` files in the JDK in modules that do not 
>> have internal in the name, I want to suggest simply converting them 
>> as it will be done once and won't need maintenance
>> There are 9 package.html files I'd like to convert into 
>> in, one in (and 
>> if this passes, one in java.naming)
>> I want to hear what you think,
>> Nizar
> That sounds like a straightforward and beneficial conversion. As you 
> say, the package.html format is old, and provides no benefits to 
I agree. There was an effort a few years ago to replace html package 
descriptions with but it seems that a few of them 
weren't done at the time.

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