Integrated: 1076: Not possible to use 'Backport <sha>' if original bug doesn't have public sha

Erik Joelsson erikj at
Mon Jun 14 20:02:19 UTC 2021

On Fri, 11 Jun 2021 18:02:28 GMT, Erik Joelsson <erikj at> wrote:

> This patch adds a new way of declaring a pull requests to be a backport for situations where the original hash of the original change is not known or available. Technically such a PR should already work without the backport label, but it will display a warning about the issue not being open. By being able to declare a backport, that warning will be eliminated, which should make the user experience smoother and hopefully help avoid mistakes.
> To use the new feature, you create a PR with a title "Backport <issueid>" instead of "Backport <hash>". Once this goes live, I will update the Skara wiki documentation.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: ec8b6637
Author:    Erik Joelsson <erikj at>
Stats:     203 lines in 5 files changed: 195 ins; 1 del; 7 mod

1076: Not possible to use 'Backport <sha>' if original bug doesn't have public sha

Reviewed-by: kcr



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