Request for comment on adding "Under Review" as a substate of bugs

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at
Fri Aug 12 23:08:23 UTC 2022

Hi Guoxiong,

Feedback noted; we'll look into changing the workflow to make setting 
the state in question easier for the Skara bots.



On 8/10/2022 11:31 AM, Guoxiong Li wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Thanks for the work. It is very convenient to edit the `understanding` 
> field directly.
> But I find it is unable to click the `Start Work` button if someone is 
> not the assignee of the issue.
> So when solving SKARA-803 [1], I find we need to assign the issue to 
> the bot, then "click"
> the `Start Work` button to transfer the status to `In Progress`,
> and at last assign the issue back to the actual developer.
> This situation is similar to the previous `understanding` field.
> The three steps (self-assign, Start work, assign back) solution is a 
> workaround
> but it seems to be not very elegant.
> So I want to ask: can this be improved?
> Or can the bot accounts or other administrators' accounts
> click the `Start Work` button directly without as an assignee?
> [1]
> Best Regards,
> -- Guoxiong
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