The github user `openjdk-notifier` is not marked as ignored user in mlbridge bot

Guoxiong Li lgxbslgx at
Tue Jun 7 14:06:57 UTC 2022

Hi all,

After integrating SKARA-1119 [1][2], when the developers force-push to the
the notifier bot will add a comment in the PR by using the github username
to notify the developers not to do that again.

But unfortunately, the mlbridge bot doesn't ignore the comments of
so that the mlbridge bot will send emails of such comments to the maillist.
An example is listed at [3][4].

It is good to add `openjdk-notifier` to the ignored user list of the
mlbridge bot.
The related code about the configuration in the
`MailingListBridgeBotFactory` is listed below.

        var ignoredUsers = specific.get("ignored").get("users").stream()


Best Regards,
-- Guoxiong

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