The bot doesn't add commit comment to the JMH issues

Guoxiong Li lgxbslgx at
Thu Sep 22 13:32:33 UTC 2022

Actually I can't confirm whether it is necessary. So I post this email to
discuss with you.
If Aleksey Shipilev, the maintainer of the JMH, confirm we need to do that,
I will file the SKARA admin task for this.

CC'ing Aleksey Shipilev.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 8:29 PM <erik.joelsson at> wrote:

> Please file a SKARA admin task for this.
> /Erik
> On 9/21/22 00:46, Guoxiong Li wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently, I submitted a commit to the JMH [1][2] and
> found there is no commit comment (like below) in the issue [2].
> ```
> Changeset:
> Author:
> Date:
> URL:
> ```
> It often works well because a commit link has been added
> when the bot handles the pull request integrated event.
> But many pull requests [5] in JMH haven't been integrated by using the
> command `/integrate`. The authors which have the commit permission
> merge the pull request by using the GitHub UI. It is because there are
> only few reviewers to review the code, the authors sometimes need to
> merge the pull request by themselves manually without formal review.
> In this situation, the problem occurs. Because the command `/integrate`
> has not been used, the pull request integrated event is not triggered.
> Then the commit link is not added and the status of the issue
> is not marked as `Resolved` or `Fixed`. So the authors need to add the
> comment or link about the commit to the issue and mark the issue
> as `Resolved` manually. Please see [3][4] for an example.
> Considering such manual merging will happen in the future, I suggest
> changing the configuration of the SKARA bot of the JMH project so that
> the commit comment can be added and the issue can be solved automatically.
> The related configuration may be `pronly` in the class
> `IssueNotifierFactory`.
> If I don't make a mistake, to meet my suggestion, the `pronly` should be
> `false`.
> What do you think about it? Any ideas are appreciated.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> Best Regards,
> -- Guoxiong
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