Missing double quote in bot's comment

Guoxiong Li lgxbslgx at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 07:59:39 UTC 2024

Hi all,

When new developers post comments in Github, the bot will override the
comments and remind the new developers to sign the OpenJDK terms of use[1].
Among the bot's comments, the following statement misses a closed double

> Please Use "Add GitHub user hboehm for the summary.

It should be:

> Please Use "Add GitHub user hboehm" for the summary.

And I searched the skara code in order to solve this issue. But I can't
find any code about it. Did I miss anything? The related code seems not
open source?

[1] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/16644#discussion_r1406857727

Best Regards,
-- Guoxiong
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