<Swing Dev> GapContent behaviour

Richard Bair Richard.Bair at Sun.COM
Thu Oct 11 19:12:17 UTC 2007

Hey Roman,

I followed up on this when you first posted, but forgot to respond! I  
talked with Peter Zhelezniakov about it. Here's the message (me at  
the top):


> I'd be happy to do the bug if Peter isn't free to. I would need some
> help, though it looks to me like a probably one-liner -- just throw  
> the
> exception if the index is out of bounds. However, I'm not very  
> familiar
> with this code and could use guidance.

Unfortunately this change breaks HTMLEditorKit so the fix should be more
elaborative. I hope i'll think it out in a couple of days


Probably good to ping him :-)


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