<Swing Dev> JColorChooser on GTK (GTKColorChooserPanel)

Elliott Hughes enh at jessies.org
Wed Jun 3 03:52:21 UTC 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 09:10, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> Elliott Hughes wrote:
>> Oh, and do I need to sort out the SCA before I show patches, or just
>> before they can be submitted? (I've deliberately not attached anything
>> here in case you don't want to see code not covered by an SCA. I
>> haven't filled out the SCA yet because, not living in the 1980s, I don't
>> have easy access to either a fax machine or a scanner.)
> Regular mail is fine, too - the address is on http://sca.dev.java.net

done. on its way...

Elliott Hughes, http://www.jessies.org/~enh/

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