<Swing Dev> JColorChooser on GTK (GTKColorChooserPanel)

Elliott Hughes enh at jessies.org
Wed Jun 3 04:02:48 UTC 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 06:57, ap153225 wrote:
> Hello Elliott
>> Anyway, I have fixes for the first four (marked "[*]" rather than "*"),
>>  and wondered if there's any interest.
> We certainly interested in fixing all that problems
>> Should I raise one bug for the stuff
>> I've? Lots of extra bugs for the problems that don't already have bugs?
>> One big bug for the stuff I've fixed and lots of little bugs for the
>> stuff I've yet to look at?
> One bug for all that stuff is okay,
> I can file it for you  if you send the description

from my earlier mail, slightly reworded in places, plus a few new ones on
the end:

* Transferring focus out of the "Color name:" field should update the

* The "Color name:" field should accept X11 color names.

* "Color Name:" should be "Color name:".

* "R_ed:" should be "_Red:" (mnemonic index).

* The absence of a preview panel should imply no horizontal JSeparator
"separating" the normal content from the missing preview panel.

* Labels and fields should be aligned on their baselines, not against
the tops of their GridBagLayout cells.

* Spinner labels should be left-aligned. (Sun bug 4943902.)

* Spacing between columns of spinners is wrong. (Sun bug 4943902;
actually an optical illusion caused by the wrong alignment.)

* Spacing above and below the separator between the spinners and the
"Color name:" field is wrong.

* Focus cycle is H,R,S,G,V,B but should be H,S,V,R,G,B.

* The swatch is missing a border.

* "Dropper" button is missing (Sun bug 4869100).

* H,S,V seem to be percentages in the native dialog, not 0-360, 0-255, 0-255.

* The focus indicator on the circle/triangle component is wrong (should be
a dotted square border; is a solid circle).

* The rendering of the circle/triangle component is horribly aliased;
should be smooth.

* Use an empty preview panel with GTK+. (Sun bug 6417110.)

* Not have a "Reset" button with GTK+. (Sun bug 6417110, 4943902.)

* Order the other buttons "Cancel", "OK" (instead of the wrong way round).
(Sun bug 6417110.)

* Have the "Cancel" and "OK" buttons the same size. (Sun bugs 6417110,

* Use standard GTK+ "Cancel" and "OK" icons. (Sun bug 6417110.)

* Use standard GTK+ "_Cancel" and "_OK" mnemonics. (Sun bug 6417110,

* In the native GTK+ dialog, all (non-label) components have tool tips.

* The left-hand swatch should be a drag source (only).

* The right-hand swatch should be both a drag source and a drop target.

>> Or is the GTK JColorChooser going to be replaced with native code?
> We might add native dialog support in JDK 7,

cool. it would be nice to see more attention to the AWT dialogs, plus a
few obviously missing ones (color and font choosers, for example).

> but JColorChooser is not gonna be replaced anyway
>> Oh, and do I need to sort out the SCA before I show patches, or just
>> before they can be submitted? (I've deliberately not attached anything
>> here in case you don't want to see code not covered by an SCA.
> That's right, we don't want to see code not covered by a SCA
> :-)

okay. let me know when you get it (posted today from San Jose) and i'll
show you the fixes i have so far.

>> I haven't
>> filled out the SCA yet because, not living in the 1980s, I don't have
>> easy access to either a fax machine or a scanner.)
> I do hope it won't be a big problem for you to find a scanner,
> please find all the information about the SCA here:
> https://sca.dev.java.net/
> Keep in touch
> Thanks
> alexp

Elliott Hughes, http://www.jessies.org/~enh/

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