<Swing Dev> Miglayout
Alexander Potochkin
Alexander.Potochkin at oracle.com
Mon Mar 5 13:26:27 UTC 2012
Hello Frans
There are a lot of great Swing components
and there are also a list of good reasons why not to include them to the
1. Once a component is in JDK it becomes "frozen",
it can't be updated as quick as it used to be,
because the JDK updates don't go out every month.
2. Most of the API refactoring (even very small) will be impossible
because of backward compatibility.
3. Adding a new methods is possible only in the *next major release*.
Every big Swing project has its own set of third-party components, look
and feels and layouts
and we don't want to dictate what version of a component/layout/whatever
they should use.
So we decided not to add any existing Swing components to the JDK.
The only new Swing feature in JDK 7 was JLayer
which required some fixes inside Swing to be completed.
> It should be discussed on the AWT/Swing alias, so I'm adding
> swing-dev at openjdk and bcc'ing discuss at openjdk.
> Thanks,
> Artem
> On 3/4/2012 4:05 PM, Frans Thamura wrote:
>> hi all
>> just read this, a long bugs issue 2007
>> and a little discussion with Geejan from Netbeans around MigLayout
>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do;jsessionid=e02b026c1ef0bffffffffdfbd57e8f43560d?bug_id=6530906
>> any idea why, MIG Layout cannot be part of JDK?
>> --
>> Frans Thamura (曽志胜)
>> Shadow Master and Lead Investor
>> Meruvian.
>> Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.
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