<Swing Dev> Miglayout

Frans Thamura frans at meruvian.org
Mon Mar 5 13:30:43 UTC 2012

No problem

Just see post like in the thread.
On Mar 5, 2012 8:26 PM, "Alexander Potochkin" <
Alexander.Potochkin at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hello Frans
> There are a lot of great Swing components
> and there are also a list of good reasons why not to include them to the
> JDK:
> 1. Once a component is in JDK it becomes "frozen",
> it can't be updated as quick as it used to be,
> because the JDK updates don't go out every month.
> 2. Most of the API refactoring (even very small) will be impossible
> because of backward compatibility.
> 3. Adding a new methods is possible only in the *next major release*.
> Every big Swing project has its own set of third-party components, look
> and feels and layouts
> and we don't want to dictate what version of a component/layout/whatever
> they should use.
> So we decided not to add any existing Swing components to the JDK.
> The only new Swing feature in JDK 7 was JLayer
> which required some fixes inside Swing to be completed.
> Thanks
> alexp
>> It should be discussed on the AWT/Swing alias, so I'm adding
>> swing-dev at openjdk and bcc'ing discuss at openjdk.
>> Thanks,
>> Artem
>> On 3/4/2012 4:05 PM, Frans Thamura wrote:
>>> hi all
>>> just read this, a long bugs issue 2007
>>> and a little discussion with Geejan from Netbeans around MigLayout
>>> http://bugs.sun.com/**bugdatabase/view_bug.do;**jsessionid=**
>>> e02b026c1ef0bffffffffdfbd57e8f**43560d?bug_id=6530906<http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do;jsessionid=e02b026c1ef0bffffffffdfbd57e8f43560d?bug_id=6530906>
>>> any idea why, MIG Layout cannot be part of JDK?
>>> --
>>> Frans Thamura (曽志胜)
>>> Shadow Master and Lead Investor
>>> Meruvian.
>>> Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.
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>>> "We grow because we share the same belief."
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