<Swing Dev> Java 9 and Windows LF (Win2012): Visual changes of JToggleButton#setBorderPainted(false)?

Sergey Bylokhov sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com
Wed Jul 26 16:56:08 UTC 2017

The only fix related to this area which I found is:
It should be rechecked that the changes in the JToggleButton are expected(or not).
Can you please create a new CR via bugs.java.com?
Thank you for the report. 

----- reto.merz at abacus.ch wrote:

> Hello,
> We call JToggleButton#setBorderPainted(false). With Java 9 and Windows
> LF (other LF not tested)
> the button has no longer a visual inidicator when the button is
> toggled
> in contrary to Java 8 where the button is light-blue-gray.
> Is this the new expected behaviour or is this a (known) bug?
> Tested with Java 9 b177, 8 u102 and 8 u131 on Windows 2012 R2.
> Thanks
> Reto

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