<Swing Dev> [10] JDK-8058785: Nimbus disabled tooltip needs border

Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com
Thu Jul 27 08:20:22 UTC 2017

Hi All, Please review a fix for the JDK-8058785 where the disabled tooltip does not draws the border and blends into the disabled button and looks bad. Below is the picture of current JDK output without the fix.




Solution and fix: I have updated the skin.laf file to draw a border for the disabled tool tip indicator. Below is the pic after the fix. 


Update to skin.laf XML file would auto generate these files(along with other files):





Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8058785

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pkbalakr/shashi/8058785/webrev.00/


Thanks and regards,

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